Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Star struck this AM @ the PGA show in Orlando - typing this as I am watching Annika Sorenstam and others talk about women in sports. Wish you were all here with me! What great role models these athletes are for our kids! Resilience! :)]

@skieurope: Wow. Arguably her best on camera performance to date. Thanks for sharing link.

Here’s a good read, if you can get past the author’s envy: https://www.elle.com/culture/music/a47546/maggie-rogers-intern-to-pop-star/

@CaliMex: Thanks for sharing…loved that SAS is mentioned in the piece.

May I remind users that just because the thread is called “Miscellaneous Ramblings” does not mean that the rules are suspended for this thread - they are not. No politics please. Several posts deleted.

The only party I ever post about is the cocktail party

Anyone else finding this “benefit” of sending your kid to BS? As we prepare for tax season, DH reviewed the Amex year-end summary. Our spending on gas plummeted after kiddo went off to BS. Between 3 sports, travel teams, performing arts, and tournaments we were spending $$$ on gas each month. Other costs that dropped? Starbucks - maybe twice since kiddo is off to school :-bd

For me it would also be all the money spent on friends who are always at our house. Honestly, I will miss that part the most, the friends like me more than my own child does and are always appreciative of me. I will, however, save serious $$$.

Skiparents constantly remind us about how drastically the food bill was reduced one skibro and I went off to school. Not only from our share but more so from the endless stream of the neighborhood rugrats that always seems to stay for dinner and/overnights. But deep down, I know they miss the hustle and bustle. :slight_smile:

@skieurope I think I may have asked in one interview how often I could take other kids home from BS for long weekends. :slight_smile: I will definitely miss being the hang out house, worst part of BS for me. Puppy1 (I have decided this is a good name for the kid) pretends to dislike me being so involved with her friends. I know that deep down she truly loves having the hub house and a mom in whom all the other kids confide.

We are definitely not the hub house, but like @Golfgr8, we aren’t spending money on traveling every weekend for sports, hotels, hockey fees, etc… We make up for it, however, in tuition. So, I can’t call it saving money. :((

FWIW @ our old school we (parent group) acquired unused tickets that alumni and parents had to donate for the performing arts so that students could attend shows and concerts for free. Some children had never been to the symphony or ballet. We had a “ticket bank”. This could be done at boarding schools, also, for performing arts events and pro sports.

@dogsmama1997 I do have to give a huge shout out of thanks to the local families who gave me a place to sleep on the occasional weekend and just a chance for a home-cooked meal.

Happy I could become a “local family” while our younger kids were at BS. Sitting watching a movie with DD and her best friend from BS now. They asked for a sleepover getaway this weekend at our house and I was more than happy to accommodate them. They cooked children broccoli alfredo and my kitchen is a disaster, my washer is running with all her dirty clothes, we are watching Hairspray for the 100th time and I couldn’t be happier.

@vegas1 That sounds like a perfect Saturday night!

DH has done this analysis as well (he’s a CFO by trade). We are “saving” significantly on gas and athletic fees since kid2 went away this year. She played on a nationally ranked top 10 sports team and cost us thousands a year for fees and travel. Her practices (4x a week) were 2 hours away round trip. Also have saved on groceries, which saw an appreciable (but joyful!) uptick during the month her 19yo brother was home from college over christmas. Of course, it’s all in perspective, with tuition and clothes (they both went to uniform-wearing k-8 schools) and school travel opps far overshadowing any “savings” we might see… and of course there’s the missing them… We too have served as homes for international students over thanksgiving and long winter breaks (and for 2 really fun weeks last summer, when we had 3 18yos from Mexico and South Africa staying with us) and it is wonderful to have a full house!

I have another one. We just decided to delay ds getting his driving license from March to August.So we are “saving” 5-6 months of insurance premium.
It all seems like spending $100 to “save” $1. :wink:

I have taken a different approach. Even though the local day school would have cost less, I tell myself it’s basically a wash given the reduced expenses at home. I know that’s not actually true, but as long as I don’t run the numbers, the happy illusion remains.

Anyone deluded into believing that they are saving anything by sending a kid to boarding school is just smoking something. And I want some. :wink:

How about some sanity @ChoatieMom ? Haha. I think I will restore a bit of my sanity when I am not driving in circles to dance rehearsals (if mine get in)!