Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

OK, you got me there.

How about some sanity…umm, I feel like for many, this actually gets lost faster than the money when jr leaves…but maybe that’s just me. 8-}

Is anyone else paying attention to the music played at some of the BS/Prep School basketball and hockey games? Recently, we attended a prep school Basketball game to watch a friend’s son and they played a song “Mo Bamba” as the team was getting in their last warm up. Anyone else finding that teams are playing offensive songs being played at games?

Not sure what school it was and if there is a connection, but Mo Bamba is an NBA player with Boarding school roots. He attended Cardigan Mountain and then Westtown as a boarder.

That rap song is quite bad with language, etc and should not be be playing at school events. Really shocked that a school would let that go …

To clarify a bit more, Mo Bamba did not produce that song, but a friend of his from growing up in NY created it.

In our experience, the coaches tried to keep things PG (use “clean” versions of song in some cases) for PA music.

The one thing I’ll say though, is that just because they play the PG versions of songs at school events like pre-game and practice/lifting…the kids are most likely listening to the R-rated versions in their own time.

Don’t most people just listen to their own music while lifting, anyway?

It find it highly offensive to have such explicit and demeaning songs being played at a high school sporting event such as a basketball game. FWIW, I don’t care what you listen to on your i-pods or Beats, but when it’s over the PA system it’s just wrong on so many levels. With so many people sensitive to PC triggers, why do schools think it is ok to play songs like that? @SevenDad I can’t even imagine how a PG or “clean” version would be produced - 90% of the lyrics would be missing!

Guess I was born in the wrong decade…or century X_X

Wow. Just read the lyrics online. It appears that not much has changed since my high school played NWA and Ice Cube at our basketball and football games.

@skieurope: I was trying to generalize (what I had in mind was fencing footwork drills).

@Golfgr8: I agree that songs should be, at a minimum, PG to be played over a PA at a HS game. And really at any venue where there might be kids. If you are concerned enough, it’s worth mentioning to the AD.

I know of at least one Div 1 fencing program where all songs played during practice or warm up has to be PG…so don’t think standards evaporate once the kids go to college.

To cleanse your ears, I offer this acoustic version of a famous Whitney Houston song, reinterpreted by SAS grad, Maggie Rogers:

Love Maggie Rogers- thanks, I didn’t know she is a SAS grad!

Having spent time on this site, how could you not? I think @SevenDad must be her PR person, since he’s mentioned her a couple of dozen times. :smiley:

@skieurope: I wish I was her PR person…then I could have gotten tix for her SNL show!

I do find it interesting that this talented young person who I watched perform on an HS stage years ago has become a rising star in the world outside of the SAS bubble. The album has gotten positive reviews and she seems to be doing things on her own terms. What’s more, you can play her music at a BS basketball game without bleeping-out half of the words! :wink:

All kidding aside, one thing I appreciate about Maggie Rogers is that she’s a very good writer. Check out her lyrics sometime. The SAS magazine had an article where she gave credit to her teachers at SAS, I think mentioning the legendary Elizabeth Roach by name.

She might lose hipster cred when it gets out that her biggest fan is a middle-aged father of two :wink:

I am almost bored now that all applications are turned in. Dealing with the application process was almost a part time job (no idea how we made the time around actual jobs and school) and now I have “nothing” extra to do! Maybe I should get an actual part time job to help pay for school in case the pup gets in. :slight_smile:

My kids are in college, my dog is dead, my job is boring, and there are over 1100 posts I haven’t read yet in the thread on what to do with an empty nest. I’m not sure where I’m going with this, but hey, this IS the miscellaneous ramblings thread.

@twinsmama I am pretty sure you need a puppy.

@twinsmama What’s this “empty nest thread” you speak of?

@hellomaisy It’s in the parents forum/parents cafe “So what do you do with an empty nest?”
I can’t link it because I’m on my phone…
It hasn’t been quite as useful as I had hoped.