Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

great kitchen!

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Look what Santa brought!


A new doggy bed? :wink:

What a cutie!:heart:

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well, It is snowing here to beat the band and it supposed to be the worst snowstorm in history.
Did I mention we live in Texas??? :roll_eyes:

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So, 2 inches or 3 inches expected? :cold_face:

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@altras - actually 10-12…the worst storm in history, per The Weather Channel

I don’t know your history with driving in snow, but I would STAY HOME! Even if you have experience, odds are that many of your friends and neighbors do not.

I work in a town with a large refugee population. Many of them have never driven a car or seen snow before they get here. They quickly figure out that you can still get up to the speed limit pretty easily on snowpacked roads. Shortly thereafter, they figure out that they cannot stop or steer at that speed. I try to keep my car off of the street the first couple snows every year.

And go make a snowman! You may not get another chance. :grinning:

Enjoy it, @buuzn03, and send some our way! :snowflake:

Oh, and pics or it didn’t happen. :wink:

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Hey @buuzn03 great minds think alike. We adopted a frenchie in June. No more empty nest! Happy New Year CC friends (I see the photo icon but can’t seem to upload. Curse you new interface!

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@ChoatieMom we received a lot more than this photo shows, but the ground was so warm, it didn’t stick until 24 hours in. It pretty much snowed for two days (the new puppy hates it).


I miss white Christmases so much. This Christmas without our son was depressing. We’ve decided not to spend any more holidays in the desert. Starting next year, we’ll travel to snowy places for Christmas/New Year’s. First up, the Woodstock Inn in VT. We spent a Christmas there when we were young, many years before our son was born, and it was magical. We lived in Boston at the time, so we already had snow, but it was such a beautiful place and one of our best Christmases ever. I’ve never forgotten it.

Glad you got to have snow even for a while, @buuzn03.

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@ChoatieMom I’ve been to Woodstock Inn!! My husband grew up in that area and I was up there for school. That sounds like the quintessential Christmas!
DH and I may decide to leave the desert for the holidays when the kids leave us but will probably head to the tropics, instead (it is WAY too cold)…

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This is my idea of Christmas. It’s never too cold for me. :slight_smile:


Just a quick note to say Happy New Year to my fellow BS parents. Somehow in the midst of the SSATs, the visits, the interviews, the essay brainstorms, the highs and lows and navigating the unknowns, you have managed to wedge yourselves into my heart, and for that I am grateful. How I ended up feeling a true friendship with those I’ve never met in real life, I’ll never know. But I’m thankful for the magic.


How many times have I been tempted today to call the school and tell them DS will be going remote for the Spring? (hint-- too many to count)
And when DS said - well, this is the last time you will have to be putting me on a plane to leave home, I replied “No, this is the last time I will be putting you on a plane to go to BS.”

I hate these days…having him home has been awesome.


The two posts above both resonate!

And while we’re at it, getting so much time together in 2020 totally changed my relationship with DS, so in spite of all the disappointments in 2020 and my hope that 2021 will be a very good year, I’m not ready to throw 2020 under the bus.


You’re bold saying out loud that 2021 will be good. I feel like me saying that last year about 2020 is what got us into trouble to begin with. Sorry everyone. My bad. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

But I totally agree with you and @buuzn03. Having kiddo home has been awesome. When Cate announced the 2 week delay for returning, I was really really happy. That seems like the wrong response, but no denying it.

The totally normal act of hanging out in the kitchen and cooking dinner is bliss. Not that non-bs parents don’t appreciate time like that with their kids, of course they do. But because of bs I am acutely aware how little time left we have with him at home before he fully launches and what life is like with the empty nest.

Also, our relationship with him has changed so much - in such a good way.


@gardenstategal I agree-- 2020 was not what we expected and there are things I think could have gone better, but there were many good things that came out of 2020. One was my appreciation for spending more time with family and enjoying the little things, the other was my kids’ appreciation all of the blessings that they’ve been granted amidst all of the chaos surrounding them.

It is very hard to think that this time next year (both hopefully and not), DH and I will be empty nesters having to send two kids back again, one to college and one to BS.


Oh and @CateCAParent, @gardenstategal was careful to say she HOPED 2021 will be a very good year…I think we can all agree with that!! (I agree, though, that no one should jinx it!)