Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@buuzn03 , jigsaw puzzles by Coleman lantern are in your future!

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What’s up, people? :wink:

This new navigation is…something!


It is, but actually if you use it a bit it not only isn’t bad but is a bit better than the previous platform. It just takes getting used to. Stick around! :slight_smile:

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It is def easier to read than the last one but I seem to have lost some DMs from the previous platform. Is there a way to recapture them?

PMs were finally restored (under Messages) but only back to 2016. We’ve complained. Looks like they are restoring them in batches.

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Figured that while I am pulling this drive-by, I may as well offer some of my traditional non-sequitur music/movie/show reccos:

Since the summer (and yes, well before she was on SNL), I’ve been into the music of Phoebe Bridgers. Her song “ICU” is probably my favorite song of the year.

I have really enjoyed the 4 seasons (and that’s all that they made) of Call My Agent (“Dix Pour Cent” en Français) on Netflix. Think of it as a slightly more serious Entourage set in Paris.

Movies (also streaming in this day and age):
The Bee Gees: How Can You Mend a Broken Heart documentary is really good, even if you don’t consider yourself a Bee Gees fan.

Another documentary worth watching is Black Art: In the Absence of Light…I happen to love the work of Kara Walker (challenging as it may be), and she’s just one of the artists profiled. Both on HBO Max.


Oh! Seconding Dix pour cent! I lived and worked in Paris for 4 years and holy cow – this show is exactly life in Paris. Gosh we loved it. (Not that it matters, but it is more of a commentary on Parisians than the French in general.). (Spoken like a wife of a man born and raised in Provence…).


I DO consider myself a Bee Gees fan. :wink: Nothing like those genetically engineered harmonies. Sigh.

Nice of you to swing by, @SevenDad. We’ve missed you.


Happy to see you, @SevenDad !


@SevenDad and the BeeGees! Two welcome blasts from the past!

PS… we FINALLY have power!


Hi @SevenDad - good to see you back here. Hope all is well with you and your family.

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second dose of vaccine in and I feel like poop. Not as big a pile as I would have with the actual virus, I am sure…but I’m not feeling that great.


So glad you got your second dose! I hear you can feel bad, but it lasts less than 24 hours. Hope that’s the case for you.

@buuzn03 on the bright side, it’s one step closer to ME COMING TO VISIT YOU!! We will pack up our cars and drive around the country visiting our various kids and stopping at all our CC friends along the way, ending at @cinnamon1212. (we will rent car so we can drop it off and fly home though.)


I just saw “NEW LOOK” scheduled for the CC website on 2/22.
Are we really there yet?
So stable that we need to be thinking about adding a “new look?”


Since we had the pizza conversation a few weeks ago, I have not been able to get this out of my mind. So here is a pic of what I made a couple nights ago. Pita crust, ham, pineapple, dollops of cream cheese and pepper jelly. The cooked pic has some fresh basil on it (trying to class it up a bit).

Nothing remotely traditional here. I freely admit that this is a pizza abomination. I will go further to say 99% of the pizza served outside of NYC is an abomination, and this is a bastardized version of an abomination.

But it was a delicious guilty pleasure. I washed it down with a couple of Rolling Rocks, because a pizza like this does not deserve a classy beer. They were also delicious.

Don’t judge me.

ETA not sure why this is showing up as a reply to an unrelated message.


I threw up a bit in my mouth when I read this. As if this isn’t unstable enough, adding this right before M10 does not make me happy. At all.

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I don’t judge anyone who makes his own pizza @dadof4kids. We may disagree on toppings, but I salute your creativity, and those are great pics. I’ve never heard of putting pepper jelly (or any jelly) on pizza, but that caught my eye because I made hot pepper jelly a couple of weeks ago:

I think I’ll stick with eating it on crackers, though.


That on crackers would go really well with some peony vodka I think.

We may be able to work a nice progressive dinner out of this group!

Lol. (But actually, it would!)