Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I think most of these paths end in three meadows. You might want to get that spare bedroom ready.

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He’s a Midwesterner… Or at least cooks like one.

(Just an observation. Not a judgement. I’ve lived on the East Coast, West Coast, Gulf Coast, and Midwest. Didn’t starve to death anywhere.)

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I’m judging! That’s the pizza you make when you don’t want to share…


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There’s nothing like New York pizza. As a New Yorker, I can’t eat pizza from most other states. Pizza from NY is just unbeatable. I hope everyone in the world gets a chance to try it :))

Lies! We all know Chicago style pizza is the best. :joy:

Me, too. Born and raised in Michigan. Dominos used to be the only pizza for me, until they changed the sauce.

I’m with @lilyesh on this one. A greasy slice from almost any pizza joint in NYC wins.

Although there’s a spot in my heart for a thin crust artisanal pizza too.

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You know those are fighting words, @gardenstategal. :popcorn:

I’ve had lots of NYC pizza, and I lived in Chicago for several years. Good pizza in both places but certainly not the best I’ve had anywhere.


I gotta weigh in for NYC pizza as a New Yorker. I think no one argues the statement after tasting Lombardi’s pizza. It’s the best!
I have to admit that the second most delicious is my wife’s homemade pizza!

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The one kind of pizza I can’t eat is NY style pizza. And that’s after trying all of the “top” places to get it. Too greasy and not enough flavor in the sauce. My kids hate it, too. My NH born and raised hubby swears by it. So, we buy pizza from different places on pizza night.


Wow I can’t believe you guys! The grease is the best part! It’s certainly not great for my health though :joy:

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I agree on the greasy part. I am a bit picky eater. I rather eat Lombardi’s pizza or stay hungry if the pizza is the only option to eat.

Plus one on the grease!

Although @buuzn03 , we don’t always see eye to eye on pizza night at our house either, but rather than adopt your very reasoned approach, we accept at least one sulky diner in our mix.

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If the one sulky diner was a kid-- I would say suck it up. But DH has his own vehicle and makes his own trip to the neighboring town (20 minutes away) to get his NY style pizza and bring it home. So, I guess I cannot object to that!


I just got off a Zoom meeting that rendered me speechless. Today has definitely been a Monday. Can I go to back to bed for a do-over? I am not liking today so far.


To be clear the stuff they serve in Chicago is absolutely, positively not pizza. It’s simply something else. I’ve had palatable versions of it, but none of them were pizza. Full stop.


I like my version of Hawaiian pizza. I like Chicago deep dish.

But you are correct that they are not the same thing as NY style pizza, which in my opinion is the pinnacle. I didn’t know much about it until I moved there. I left 20 years ago and it is still one of the things I really miss about not being in the City anymore.

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Chicago style I think of more as pie. NY pizza is, well, pizza.

I like them both, but the NY grease confuses me.

I am not sure what to think of @dadof4kids ‘s midwest pizza.

Now, California pizza. A local restaurant makes an awesome broccoli pizza with pancetta. :scream:


DS has his chapel talk tonight! And I finagled a Zoom link…MOM for the WIN!