Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

One final thought on chances. Chances posted on M1 when decisions come in 9 days are beyond pointless.


It’s just an extension of the freak out thread at this stage.

I will say going through this with a high school senior at the same time I’m going through it with boarding school apps, being able to get an early action or early decision school really helps alleviate the stress. Getting all decisions in the course of a few hours definitely ratchets up the tension!

It’s nothing but fun, ain’t it @dadof4kids ?! :rofl:
We will get through M10 and then have to turn around and go through it again with DS and college announcements.
Can someone chance me for the number of boxes of hair color I’ll need in April?!?!


At least with your son you know he is going somewhere though (and has good choices in the bag already). That’s the killer with M10. If D had her last choice school guaranteed, I would be way less stressed.

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@dadof4kids your daughter is about as guaranteed as it comes for M10. (Due to her widely cast net.)

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@dadof4kids it is good that both of our seniors have options (although DS’s top choices are still pending). Our BS kids will do just fine as @Calliemomofgirls said (I’m going with her vote of confidence whenever the angst hits re M10). But she’s right - y’all have a great list which will yield positive results.
I think maybe it’s time for another cocktail and appetizer hour!

agree @buuzn03, but @dadof4kids you are not allowed to bring the pizza.


Tagging @cinnamon1212 to make sure she brings that vodka. :grinning:


I feel very strongly that if we had any of our schools as a guarantee I would relax.

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When my youngest of three he was so jealous of his older siblings’ motley collection of trophies, mostly for chess, that he would sit in front of them, dreaming. His aunt made him a Christmas trophy for tuneless banjo playing and he still displays it.


That is why the college process can be less stressful. But going through both at the same time is more stressful than just BS alone…no matter what the circumstances. It’s twice the angst, twice the deadlines, twice the application fees and twice the emotional roller coaster.


As far as snacks go, I made a pieced together meal for the family yesterday based off of what we had in the house…it was sort of a pizza/lasagna bake. Turned out to be a big hit despite my dire need to go grocery shopping.

I can bring the leftovers. :joy: And DD made her all-famous brownies, so we have dessert!

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Popped in to CC because, you know, it’s March. I forgot how easy it is to get sucked in! LOL Is @PhotographerMom made an appearance yet?


Nooo. And it makes me worried!!

Like the Easter Bunny! But instead of chocolate, @PhotographerMom drops off wisdom about waitlists!


Speaking of snacks and misc things:
Did you know that the “original Krispy Kreme donut” is actually filled with cream?!
I’ve always thought it was the basic glazed donut that you see everywhere and that I have fed my kids for treats or soccer gatherings over the years.
But no.
Today, I went to a KK drive through and ordered some glazed donuts.
The clerk didn’t understand me, and she asked back: “did you say you wanted the original Krispy Kreme donut?”
I thought she was being a little legalistic with her insistence on calling it the entire official name, but I said yes.
You guys.
There was CREAM inside this yeasty raised donut! It was not a “filled donut” (like custard-filled blimpy donut with no hole that’s pretty much a turnover).
This donut was yeasty, in the shape of a donut, and Krispy-glazy and creamy. (mystery on the name solved today.)
This is brand new information.
My kids all want their childhoods back.


@Calliemomofgirls when we lived in NC, we would visit the original KK store. My DH got hooked on them and when I had DS, one of my nurses brought us a dozen fresh out of the fryer.
They are truly decadent. The fundraising knock offs do not do them justice.

@buuzn03 yes the hot ones were our super fun outing that I’d take the four girls when they were little – they’d get those old fashioned paper hats, and coloring page and we’d watch the donuts dunk into the glaze and then get handed to us still warm. I could spend a solid two hours on this outing back in my stay-at-home-mom days.
Never do I ever recall any kind of filled version (again, not speaking of jelly donuts or custard varieties).
So this is why I am shocked that the “original Krispy Kreme” donut is NOT that glazed masterpiece.
(Fundraising with donuts – sounds like we would have to sell them which is outside of my zone. I’m an eater, not a salesman.)

Is there anyone active on CC with a kid currently at Stevenson?

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There were two here whose kids graduated 2 years ago. I have not seen them since then…