Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

If a backyard BBQ about 20 min N of Boston is of interest, I can host.

(to be clear I’m no southern or midwestern transplant so by BBQ I mean I will grill stuff)


Donuts, BBQ and pizza…I’ve been drinking my morning coffee with all of you for a few weeks now as a total lurker. As a stress eater, you are KILLING me with one week to go!

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On a lower calorie but still delicious note, over Christmas when S19 was home we were experimenting with different coffees and preparation methods. He’s a big fan of cold brew, and I am too but tend to drink my coffee hot when there is still snow on the ground.

I’ve never owned a grinder, but bought one so we could get the grind we wanted for cold brew. I finally worked through all the pre-ground coffee I had and ground beans this morning for the drip coffee maker.

It’s tasty.


DH has three grinders…a burr grinder for caffeinated, a burr grinder for decaf and a blade grinder…and he has one of those extra fancy brewers…not the ones for lattes or fru fru drinks, but the extra filtered something or other…idk. It keeps him happy…


I’m enjoying my morning coffee with the biggest smile on my face. Arizona opened vaccines to 55+ yesterday, and DH and I have an appointment TODAY for our first shot!!! I couldn’t stop crying last night when we got the confirmation e-mails. It means we have an end date for our year of isolation, and we can plan to travel to GA late April to see our son whom we haven’t seen in over a year. I think I caught a trace of a tear in his voice, too.



I have always had a bit of a needle phobia and dreaded any unnecessary trips to the doctor. I frequently mean well but find some excuse why I can’t get my flu shot this week but next week will be better, and I can do that all season.

But in this case I have never looked forward so much to getting a shot. My wife (educator) got hers Saturday. I’m still probably a couple of months out.

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Excellent @ChoatieMom ! Dh and I are fully immunized because I of our jobs/pre-existing conditions but NJ just opened it up to educators which means my dd (who is living with us) can get immunized! Then we will just be waiting for ds to get immunized at school or when he comes home. He is a perfectly healthy young college kid so it will be awhile before he is eligible. Perhaps there is some light at the end of this tunnel!

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WOOHOO @choatiemom ! I can’t wait for you to go see @ChoatieLT it has been TOO long!

These days it’s the little things, isn’t it? I got mine and have booked a trip to go see DS.

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Great news @ChoatieMom!

We are not-so-patiently waiting for ours. DH is a trifecta of pre-existing conditions, but at 55 not a priority. It has been really frustrating seeing other, much healthier people get their vaccines. But the hope is he will get his in a couple weeks. My goal is to get a college tour planned for July or August, so I really hope the vaccine distribution speeds up.

Just got kiddo a Covid test - dropping him off at school on Sunday. He won’t be back again until mid-June, so I am doing my “I am so happy… no wait, I am so sad” routine.


Yes. I have a junior at Stevenson and would be happy to answer any questions you may have!


I am a current Stevenson parent (class of 2022). Happy to share info/experience, which has been a good one for our son and our family.


Thanks to the 2 who replied about Stevenson, I sent pm’s.

General question about M10. It looks like there are several schools that are not listed in the release time lists from the last couple years. Do some schools never give a time, and just release at some point M10? Or did people just not add them to the list?

last time we did this, there were several schools that did not notify us of their times to release until M9. So, just be patient…LOL…they probably did not get added to the list because it was so late-- by that time everyone was too engrossed in checking their emails/portals

Rough day in our household-- someone ate the last everything bagel. :rage: So, I am left with PB&J for lunch today. :confounded:
To make matters worse, when I confronted that someone about it, he said “well, whoever went grocery shopping obviously did not get enough”. He has forgotten to whom he is married. His pizza tonight may be missing some toppings…


DH signed up to get the J&J vax tomorrow. Took a letter from his doc, fingers crossed there are no hitches.


Having been more frequently on the other side of that conversation I can tell you have been married a while. That is something I would say now depending on my mood that I never would have 20 years ago. There comes a point where you KNOW that you shouldn’t say something, but you do anyway.

I am sure that your husband knows that there will be consequences for his actions…

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My wife got hers last week, and they ran out a couple of people after her. At least one person drove an hour on Saturday to get there and was NOT happy.

Although I think they all got bumped to the top of the list for this week. And this week it is J&J, so one and done.


Hooray for the vaccine takers!
I cannot wait!

@buuzn03 My suggestion? tonight’s pizza (“pizza”) is @dadof4kids recipe.

Also, I’ll share here with the parents instead of fueling kids’ stress over on freakout thread, but DD3 applied to a few schools with early decision dates and we now have options for next year. woohoo! We just attended our first revisits zooms last night in fact. She is so excited. Still 3 more due M9 (early M10 east coast, but late night for us M9) and then 5 schools for M10. But I will say having been all M10 schools last year: knowing that she CAN go to a school she loves does remove a fair amount of the stress.


It’s so nice to see some of us veterans back on here getting ready for March 10th! stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Thanks @Calliemomofgirls for giving me a true LOL on a Friday afternoon. If only my wife punished me by making pizza…

Also, in the unlikely event I ever have to do this again, definitely applying to a couple of choices with M1 or earlier dates. I talk to a lot of parents, that like buuzn son, are waiting for college decisions. But the ones I talk to on a regular basis all have good backups in hand from EA or rolling admission schools. My D21 has a friend who has one admit from an open enrollment school he doesn’t want to attend, and is otherwise hoping for good news on Ivy day. Nothing in-between. Ugh. At least I feel more confident about M10 for my D than Ivy day for him. He’s a smart kid (obviously) but that was a dumb choice.

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