Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

The past issue was not the link; it was the ensuing discussion

I saw the Atlantic article a while back (one my 3 free articles per month). I read it mostly because the title was so over the top - my one kiddo passed up an elite private school for his LPS (despite my pushing) so it isn’t directly applicable to us. Without getting into the weeds, it seems between TO and articles like the one in the Atlantic (and Inside Higher Ed) there is a lot of debate right now about how elite colleges construct their classes.

Can you? Sure. Is a separate thread warranted is a different question.

Truly newsworthy topics and links historically have been opened in its own thread - often multiple times :smile: - and then people discuss it until the next shiny penny comes along. Lather, rinse, repeat. I don’t have a strong preference so long as the posts abide by forum rules.

Was anything posted above against forum rules?

Was it off topic? There seems to be a variety of topics on this thread. A lot of music is discussed and that really has nothing to do with prep school admissions - so I guess that I will ask if it’s permissible to start a new thread. Here are some ideas for names:

“News about Prep Schools”
“Schools & News”
“Notable, Topical & Hot in the Press”

Asking for suggestions on what to name the new thread @ media coverage of prep schools. Thanks :innocent:

@Golfgr8 - brief recap - the Atlantic article got posted on the big board. It got nasty and shut down. Someone posted it here shortly thereafter, and fearing the same rancor, an admin preemptively shut it down, too.

It isn’t you. Or us. Sign of the times we are living in.

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So…if anyone wants to have a cocktail in my honor, DS is supposed to start hearing back from colleges in less than 2 days. The adrenaline is resurfacing in this household.


So much happier to experience the suspense at your house, @buuzn03 , than to have it happening at mine.

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I think I am significantly more stressed about this than my senior. He has 4 acceptances (2 from safeties, 2 from big state schools in the middle of his list that are perfectly acceptable), but we hear from 12 more between now and 4/6!


As @cateCAParent said, it was nothing you did. The previous discussion of the article got contentious so I was being proactive.

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We are in a similar boat-- DS has received yesses from safeties. The remainders are his reaches and targets (and of course, top choices were included in this list and not the safety list). From a parent standpoint, his top choice is also his closest option…so I have a vested interest in him getting a yes there. I REALLY want him back closer to us (a non-stop hour flight :smiley:)




I, myself, can’t wait until this thread returns to the “what should I wear to dropoff” topic. Always a CC favorite!


Wait… We’re supposed to dress to impress?

Darn, I am failing to live up to BS expectations.

BTW, one school that my child applied to stated, “Come as you are!” - so I took them at their word.


@stalecookies this question was asked several years ago and the stories that ensued were the most entertaining ever. @PhotographerMom made me wet my pants at one moment (yes, I finally confessed).

Anyway- I am definitely the “come as your are (cue Nirvana)” type and there will be no one impressed with my messy bun, lack of makeup and three sizes ago (preCOVID) yoga pants!

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Well here is my contribution for “miscellaneous” –
My baby girl puppy (8 months) is in heat! Which has been a ton of fun. (we’ve only had shelter dogs before which of course are spayed before you get them).
Today, we just switched from the fun logistical “keep her off the rug” and constant mopping phase, to the cleaner but very pronounced “I want to hump everything” phase. Her big sister seems also quite game, and this gender-bending blooming sexuality in my dogs is making me weirdly uncomfortable.

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Diapers with a hole cut in them for the tail. Or there are doggie “undergarments” made specifically for this problem!

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Well that problem is over. (And she will be spayed before it’s an issue again.)
It’s now the “let’s make a baby” urges that are plaguing the household.

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oh that’s good!!

did you post a puppy picture when she was little and I missed it??? I wish I didn’t already have too many animals, I would have loved a pandemic puppy.

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Our pandemic puppy has outgrown the prior Diva of the house in just 3 months…and they are the same breed. Luckily, I do not have to worry about @Calliemomofgirls problems with him. But I am glad we didn’t actually schedule a Spring Break visit or there may have been a multiplication lesson that ensued.

The original purpose of this thread was to ramble in the “Oh, look! A Chicken!” manner. For example, we’ve talked about our old colognes, knot earrings, hair products, cocktails, music, footwear, annoying neighbors, why boarding schools would make good retirement homes, etc. If we rambled into BS territory, it was to wonder about the equestrian getups at schools without stables. That kind of thing.

I think a discussion on the Atlantic article has more relevance in our subforum than on the big board, but that conversation would be better served in a separate thread if you want to seriously discuss the points made there. OTOH, if you want to complain that sending your kid away to a fancy boarding school is no longer the most economical way of spending more unencumbered time at the club with the Howell’s, that would be EXACTLY the kind of thing to muse about here. Which is how we ramble into the bar so often.

I think the problem with this thread is that the posters who used to keep it on the crooked path are no longer here, and newer posters have (understandably) wandered in with no feel for the original idea.

This is a place to have fun. Serious stuff, not so much.