Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Oh good humping puppies fit in great!

I had an idea I pitched to @buuzn03 last week when my golden retriever went into heat – that I drive my dog to her on my way to the east coast to visit schools and that we have pandemic CC prep board puppies that we deliver to parents here and we have reunions over the years.

Still on the table, @buuzn03


You got it, @Calliemomofgirls! Humping puppies is precisely why this thread exists. Do carry on. :smile:


Hey-- it is all about the puppy love. Of course, I think her puppy is a bit older than mine, so she’d be the professor in the entire situation. He’s not quite there, yet.

Good to know.

I brake for chickens. And guinea hens.

The swans stick to the other side of the river; they prefer the Hamptons, apparently.

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So, let me get this straight. You received a gloating email from a parent who called you privileged and then proceeded to wave college admissions results in your face, like blue ribbons for prize-winning show dogs?


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To anyone who calls you out on your boarding school privilege, simply smile sweetly over your martini and say, “What’s that dear? I’m sorry, I was trying to picture you with manners.”


“Oh, I know! We’re having SUCH a time trying to decide what to do with all this financial aid we received.”


“Well, it was boarding school or a new set of clubs. We decided to sacrifice.”


Hey, this is fun. Feel free to come up with your best response to any irritating accusation. I believe we had several pages of great responses to why we sent our children away at such tender ages. We need to be sufficiently armed with ripostes as well as cocktails. As we seem to be doing fine with the alcohol, let’s see if we can sharpen our wits.

Anyone have an exchange they’d like to share?


Yes, @Altras :cocktail:… thanks @ChoatieMom …I have the cocktail ready, but not the retort…still thinking.

There are some people with really stereotyped views of boarding school and/or prep school parents…but whoever wrote about Thurston Howell earlier was pretty funny. Maybe I should ask @SkiEurope if I can change my name and avatar to Thurston Howell III…wait for it…

I think short and dismissive, such as:

“Thank you for your opinion.”

She/he obviously desires to engage you on this, make it clear it’s not worth your time!!!

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Thurston Howell is now in the house !


Ok, now we’re getting this thread back on track.

ETA: OMG! I just went back to the top of this thread and started reading. If you want to get the original vibe, I highly suggest starting at the top. It gets going with Parlabane’s first comment. Good times.

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I just let 'em think kiddo is at Hogwarts.


“Well, no one else would take him. What were we to do?”


Good one @buuzn03! Our 8th grader will be heading off in September and I thought of a dad down the block, when we sent him to sleep away camp after 2nd grade. This dad said “I could never do that, I love my kids too much!” I was like, man he will really think we are monsters when he hears about THIS! (I know that is not a witty retort, actually not a retort at all. Just the sound of silence down the street…)


Funny, @MidAtlanticDad1 because I think my mother says that almost every single time I talk to her. She doesn’t mean it to be derogatory, but it is, just the same.

Meanwhile, a now common phrase in mine and DD’s banter is “When are you leaving?”


The problem with BS is that you send them away, but they just come back. (Thurston, can you put a new umbrella in my drink? Oh, thank you dear!)


Only long enough for you to find them a nice college to go to…and if you are really resourceful, you will allow them to do an exchange program over summers!

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Oh, I do commend the military for this at least.

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The Rice thread is reminding me of the Freakout Thread a few weeks ago. Although I’ll admit that the adrenaline is pumping over here…some of these posters are too much (or as my kid would say “extra”). How is it that adults are not aware that this decision will not destroy a life? Resiliency, my friends, is what contributes to success.

Sigh— I digress. Oh Pool Boy…another round of margaritas, por favor! And can you rub some oil on my back? I do not wish to burn.

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Knowing how so many people on this thread like music, I wanted to share this podcast link. It features one of my favorites David Byrne on musical connections to the science of happiness. BTW just had Kiddo watch some of his older videos :heart_eyes: “Take me to the River” got the “That’s actually lit” vote.

It has been two days without hot water in our house. The plumbers came this morning to fix it, so we have been without water at all all day. This is when I (and my coworkers) are glad I work from home.