Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I really missed you.
That’s all.

So so SO happy to see you here. You have been sorely missed!

Great news that your son, while not yet meeting that BIG goal, is making progress on that journey. Hope he’s been able to savor it all. It sounds like there are very exciting times in his future.

And super happy to hear your D feels like her life is looking up and that there has been a re-set in the family dynamics. Love wins!

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So glad to hear from you. Been a little worried, tbh, and the place wasn’t the same without you.

Sounds like your children are doing well, and I am super impressed that your family has taken a very rough experience with your DD and made it something positive. And as for your DS, yowsa! How impressive!

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Ditto all the comments above, @dadof4kids. I wish your family all the best and, no matter how long it takes, please come back to let us which Olympics your son will be competing in so we can celebrate with cocktails. :cocktail:

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Your “completely inexperienced dad” thread is the reason I first started reading things here at CC (though it was too late to impact our school list–I think found it in January). Our circumstances were very similar to yours in terms of being from a flyover state, no knowledge of boarding schools, needing FA, etc. I gained a lot of useful information from your story and the many other posters on that thread. Based on your description of your daughter, I thought yours and mine would be good friends. So, I’m sorry to hear that part of her story did not end as happily as you would have liked but I am sure it’ll be only a temporary setback. Thanks for sharing your story and good luck to your family!

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I hope everyone saw the article this morning in the,NYT and college lists. (Can’t link, sorry!)

Something many here have said many times, but it’s nicely done!

I will see if I can link it –


We are SO glad to “see” you again @dadof4kids !!

And thanks @gardenstategal and @cinnamon1212 - I really think it’s important to have both acceptance lists and matriculation lists on hand at schools, this article seems to reiterate what many of us preach here!


Thanks, @cinnamon1212 !

Not entirely sure that’s what the article was saying, @buuzn03 , although that would be better than just matriculation lists. I really liked the hypothetical letter at the end…

HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of the CC moms out there! Here’s an extra hug to those whose kids can’t get home to give you one. :hugs:


But he sent me flowers! :hugs:


Happy mother’s day to all the moms here! You all have helped me so much in this process! :partying_face:


I hope everyone is doing well during this slower time.
As for our end of things – I’ve been sucked into the abyss of my DD1’s new plans to go to college. She is a dancer and had not planned on college at all, but now is applying for BFA programs in musical theatre and dance. A whole new world that I am learning all about. The audition and application process make my last two years shepherding my BS kiddos app cycles look like child’s play. Sigh. (But who are we kidding. I love a project. I love shepherding dreamers.)


The college application process definitely makes the boarding school process look easy! I think I should have thought of this when I had 4 kids…

I have already informed a friend that I am outsourcing applying to college to her. I have decided I need less stress :wink:

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Except as a boarding school parent there’s very little for you to do – almost nothing-- with college applications.

There’s more to do earlier, with visits, and helping them figure out the type of school they are interested in. But fall of senior year – not much!


I have to agree with @cinnamon1212 - I did not do anything once DS figured out his list of schools. And even the figuring out part was facilitated mostly with the CC at his BS. College app process was a breeze this year compared to the BS process.

But I don’t think @Calliemomofgirls DD is in BS, so that would be a completely different challenge, for certain.


Oh! And I didn’t get flowers for Mother’s Day, but DD did get me a puppy stroller.
First of all, it was weighted to a max of 30 lbs. Secondly, it really was meant to be a one-dog stroller. But I couldn’t help but try…


I think it was more the stress I endured than actually having to do anything :rofl:

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I didn’t have to do much (except nag over Christmas break to submit final RD apps), but the stress from December until April was pretty overwhelming!