Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@buuzn03 The image of this stroller toddling around town is making me smile. Hilarious. I love it.
And correct – DD1 is not at BS. She is in an apartment on her own living like a grown up (sniff sniff), doing her pre-pro ballet program (out of state) and online schooling. But underneath it all, she is just a sweet little 16 year old who needs her mom every now and then, so I keep finding myself driving out to see her for a few days, and fill her fridge with home cooked food.
So – the college piece is falling pretty heavily on me right now because she is a little bit absorbed in managing life on her own. And the musical theatre and dance BFA world is a whole THING. wowza. It’s quite an affair, that will be a black hole of my energy and funds. But – will be a ball to spend so much time with my daughter and a joy to see her eyes light up as she does the worthy work of pursuing her dreams.


I can’t imagine the college process (especially with the addition of a portfolio and audition) without the BS CC’s. I would have been a wreck this year if DS’s school hadn’t been so involved.
I will enroll you in the ice cream of the month club until you are done!

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Q for longer-tenured folks: what time of year does activity here usually pick up to reflect the application cycle?

@DroidsLookingFor , it used to be fall, as folks were touring and doing apps, but recently, it’s been M10. Traffic seemed to drop with the website redesign although that may not be related.

This board is practically dead compared to prior, non-COVID years. BC, it was consistently active all year with a frenzy around M10.


Agree @ChoatieMom.

Crickets…I fear it might be exhaustion or apathy.

  • Year End Poem (one of my traditions for you newbies)

T’was the night before year’s end
And all through this thread
Not a post or a peep
It’s the silence we dread.

Many kids have now finished
Some parents don’t care
I am posting this poem
In case someone is there!

We say farewell to some old friends
We welcome the new
Especially those
Who haven’t a clue!

It’s a sign of concern
When there is not a new post
Not even a “chance me”
Or kids stats to boast.

So, do share a comment
An insight or two
Not hearing from you all
Does make us feel blue. :worried:


So… do people “tidy up” before the BS student comes home? Or what?

Lol, I promised myself and kiddo a major purge of his room. That hasn’t happened. Better get to it!

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I tidy up as soon as he leaves. :flushed:

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I told ours we were going to rent out his room to help pay for BS, so he and his cat had better get used to the sofa.

Please don’t disappear, wise CC parents! Those prepping to send our first ones away in August will need you - just as soon as we can get through year-end teacher gifts, field days, incoming 9th grade zooms, graduation practices, etc., We’ll need your sage advice on what to pack, what not to bother with, and how to say goodbye to our kiddos on their next adventure.


Perhaps CC Prep is a bit like an exhaustive Wikipedia entry - there has been so much information already uploaded by parents and students over time, fairly easily accessible by the Search function, there are few “new” insights to share?


Totally agree @UltimaCroix. Anyone with the gumption to search the archives here will discover there is no need to post. EVERYthing has been discussed to death already, even if you think your question is “just a bit different.” Trust me, after 11 years here, there hasn’t been a truly new question or thread in ten years. Even the COVID discussions fell into about three veins and became highly repetitive in a short time.

BUT, if everyone relied on the archives, CC would disappear. Can’t let that happen now, can we? :wink:

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  • Pack light, as for a two-week trip to grandma’s. Don’t bring any ceramic pineapples.

  • So long, Muffy! Be good! See you at Parents Weekend or maybe Thanksgiving! (as you speed away toward your freedom and cocktails)


Have you not read the one million “Will I be rescinded” threads? People are not searching. :grin: Admittedly the search function here is far from ideal.




When will the chance me’s appear?

For the incoming students, next wave of questions are probably about dorm selection, then what to pack in late August. Then maybes new cycle starts in September?

I am still trying to find red socks for summer camp. I completely forgot that registration documents were due yesterday!

Anyone else still have students in school this week?
Anyone else with a student who has “hit the wall”?

Time to vent and wonder if anyone out there is experiencing the same - either as a student or watching this play out as a parent. This has been a very long and tough year for our kids. Our teachers have not eased up on assignments or on demands coming into the home stretch. The teachers seem to be burned out, also. The Block System really was not a good thing academically this year, even though the intentions were meant to provide more social distancing. My kid is working through 6 assignments this week and studying for 4 AP tests (for subjects completed earlier this year) next week. Anyone else going through this difficult push at the end of a very long year?