Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I am so worried about kiddo1’s flight being cancelled tomorrow…the silver lining of this week’s classes being online is that if she does have a hard time getting back to school, she can take classes remotely from home.


DA seems to be so focused on getting the kids back in the classroom (which IMO is a great thing) that they’re insisting there will be no remote classroom learning for kids who test positive or miss flights due to storms/short staffed/fire etc. It’ll be interesting to see how that develops after the testing protocols reveal the health of the community over the next few days.


Kiddo received a homework reminder email that came through @ 6:30 AM the morning of New Year’s Eve. No easing back in the groove - you’ve got an assignment due Wednesday and a paper due Friday. Have your students check their emails. I guess some teachers have nothing else to do in Deerfield during the winter :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Oh yes not a cancellation but me and my parents tested positive for covid in a foreign country……we are fine and luckily fully vaccinated but it is not an ideal scenario.

Are you stuck abroad?

Thankfully not.

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We are learning of MANY positive cases with friends, distant family, school colleagues. Quite a few stranded in the Caribbean (not bad???), isolating at home. But we have not encountered a single case that requires hospitalization, or where the symptoms are more than a common cold.

Does anyone here know of anyone under 50, vaxxed, Covid positive, with severe symptoms? Not being cynical, but just wondering.

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Thanks @UltimaCroix for sharing.

We are hearing of an uptick in flu cases because many people didn’t get their flu shot this year.

No, not enough to be hospitalized. A few older people have had to sit in bed for 10 days. But no breathing issues.

DC area day schools have about 10-90 Covid cases over break, at each school. I’m not even sure why we’re trying to reopen TBH.

Yes. But that’s also my job.
But the data is certainly telling the story you suggest…

A >100x increase in cases (compared to the nadir) with a 3x increase in hospitalizations in the age group you noted. And the overall death rate has minimally increased (including all ages). This variant is a problem for those >60 years old and with comorbities. It is similar to what we see in a very bad flu season demographically.


Regardless of the case count, the 3X hospitalizations you cite are concerning. Are these hospitalizations less severe (less ICU?) than the previous waves? Thanks for the insight.

Anecdotally, last winter was much worse in our region, with a clear increase in very sick patients. The data shows that too…with deaths tracking with the increase in cases. That has not been our observation to date with Omicron.

And yes…the relative incidence has tripled, but the absolute incidence remains very low. For instance, in the less than 18yo group, the incidence went from <1 to 1 per 100k. 18-29yo has gone from 1 to 3. Compare that DAILY incidence to reported ANNUAL incidence of hospitalization by age group…


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Not severe, but we know 7 people with Covid now - 5 bad flu or very bad miserable cold level, 2 asymptomatic.

It will be interesting to hear any case numbers at our BS this week after their 4 test protocol. My son’s public district (pre-k-12 approx. 3200 total students) emailed at the end of day 45 cases (known) the first day back from break. I suspect that will grow quickly.

I’ve got a fun first week back ahead. I tested negative from a rapid test on Sunday, flew back to school Monday. Wore KN95 mask and weaponized hand sanitizer throughout the airports. Right as my shuttle is pulling into my school, my mom sends me a text saying she tested positive for COVID. I go right to the health center and immediately ask for a rapid test… positive. Gah! Luckily I’m asymptomatic, but this is such a pain. I’m triple vaxxed!

Pubic service announcement: If you have not received your flu shot, please consider getting it with your GP’s/healthcare professional’s blessing. We are seeing many over 60’s here with complications of flu who require hospitalization.

  • Our students received the flu shot earlier this year at school. Do all the boarding schools provide the flu shot?

Received the dreaded email that kiddo has been identified as someone being in close contact with someone who recently tested positive for Covid. LITERALLY dropped her off yesterday, where everyone was tested and supposedly masking this week…. :thinking:

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Ugh. And what is the schools procedure for that? Mask and test at day 5 since vaccinated?

Ours does. I it also required.