Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Good to be back! Westover’s been great!! Boarding’s a lot of fun and the academics aren’t as bad as I thought they’d be (but still rigorous and valuable)


Happy 2022 to all! So glad to see that everyone who started BS this year is settling in. Here’s to a better new year still!


‘Twas the night of New Year’s
And all though this thread
Not a parent was happy
Students soon departing - we dread!

A few schools will delay
Others will start
Too soon they will leave
So sad to depart

Take comfort in striking
The New Year’s bell
Spring Break will be soon
And all will be well!

For Seniors this Midnight
Your last half year will start
Each month will fly fast
So hold tight to your heart

Wishing all a good year
Hoping your college wishes come true
Tip your hats to this thread
Whose support gets us through!

2022 is upon us
The last year soon out of sight
Wishing you all Happy New Years
And to all a good night!



One cannot compete in any athletic/cardio/strength endeavor with an N95 or double surgical mask, unless the sport is Curling. This N95/double masking rule is beyond ridiculous.


Wait​:sweat_smile:Which school has curling ?!:curling_stone::curling_stone::curling_stone:


I told my son he should start a curling team at his school :grinning:


…and archery

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So up at 6:30 to get on the road back to school, kiddo logged into the app to take her Covid test (they do it over zoom in front of someone- I don’t know how it works) and the test kit is expired! I wonder how many kids were given expired kits? They are testing on arrival as well, but this could make the return to campus interesting.


Ditto here! Also know that some kits (not ours) have been recalled due to high false positive rate. Please check the serial numbers on the kits provided by school.

DH says to just ignore and see if it is even picked up by the professionals on the other end of the Zoom call. Kiddo is getting many texts this morning from students at other schools. :thinking:

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That’s who noticed it, the person on the zoom asked to see the date. I wonder if they have been seeing a lot of that. Hopefully the kits at school tomorrow are not expired!

Kiddo is hoping that this will lead to a delayed return to school :pray: :pray: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Update on test kits. We did some research an Abbott labs has extended the expiration date by several months (at least on our test kit). If you go to the Abbott website you can see the links to the lot numbers.

I hope it’s too late for that! I am sure others are already on their way as well. Hubby and kiddo left today- 9 hour drive and he can’t afford to miss both Monday and Tuesday from work, or drive 18 hours in one day.

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So did the person on the zoom, or whatever it is, let your kiddo do the test? They wouldn’t let mine.

You should not need person on Zoom for Abbot Binax tests, my kids (both college and HS) just take them and either send picture or upload to the school app. But we were not given tests from the school this time, you do either one PCR or two antigen 24 hours apart on your own and send results to the school. I suppose one could cheat and use someone else’s results but there is also on arrival in person testing on campus so you would just get caught when you get on campus and have to turn around and go back home.

Sounds like our school has a different policy than yours. We have VERY specific instructions and do it on the app in front of a live person on zoom.

However, the school just emailed and said if you have an expired test to take it anyway and send a photo.
Despite the expired test, glad they provided two because there are none to be found for purchase anywhere around here. When we were at the pharmacy for kiddo’s booster the phone was ringing off the hook with people looking for home test kits.

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We shall see if different policies end up making a difference. I think with current level of community spread and contagiousness of the current variant they do not have a shot of keeping cases from campus. I do hope I am wrong but all signs point to rocky January at the very least. I wish the school would say what level of infection is acceptable to continue in person classes. I also wish they would get on board with CDC and cut the isolation down to 5 days like my kid’s college did. Hopefully soon…


We have not received any email from our school @ the expired tests….however, many flights cancelled today from our next of the woods. Anyone out there experiencing travel problems due to fires, snow, flight cancellations, etc?

Oh I am not saying it will make a difference but we had Multiple emails over break with reminders about the tests and instructions, and the threat of not being allowed back on campus if the second test wasn’t taken, so, a little bit of stress was had when told she couldn’t take the expired test. But all is good now. I believe our school did reduce the quarantine to the 5 days.

They probably assumed kids would email if they have expired tests. But an email proactively would have been nice.

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