Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I’ve purchased small merch associated with their college destinations (like Syracuse Tervis Tumblers, Princeton tshirts, etc). I haven’t given any money, mainly because I don’t want the recipient’s family to feel like they need to send something to my child.

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That is actually a really nice idea. Will see what I find out!

Anyone know what will get you rescinded from a college? I’m pulling a solid B-/C+ in advanced physics right now… magnetism and now relativity have kicked my butt! I’m super nervous I’m gonna get rescinded.

Hey CavsFan2003, not sure where you are headed, but typically one lower grade isn’t going to do the job. Some schools may rescind for a failed class or a D. If you can keep it in the B range, even at a B-, that will be good. Feel free to PM me if you want to ask about a specific college/university. I have a lot of experience in this area.

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@CavsFan2003 , you’re fine if it’s one grade. And if it’s higher than a C. With that said, do your best to master the material as the foundation will give you a leg up in college. Definitely talk to your teacher about this and try to isolate the concepts/material that seem to be giving you the most trouble.


You’ve got this, @CavsFan2003. Take the advice above.



No student in the history of the universe has ever been rescinded for a C+. The college accepted you because they want you, and it will require much more than a C+ to make them regret their decision.


The 2022 Andover State of the Academy

This annual survey to students reports interesting demographic data, as well as student PoV / experiences on politics, sex, drinking, drugs, and other topics


Are there any good books on the history of prep schools in the U.S.? I am curious about the general development over time from the early Latin grammar schools, to the more American academies (PA/PEA), then to the British model schools (with “forms”, etc.). Is there anything like that out there? Bonus points if I can pick it up from my library for the long weekend. Thanks in advance!

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Maybe you can find an original copy of this:


Don’t buy the thing Amazon sells (read the review!)

ETA: found it for you:

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Congrats to all the new college grads! I can’t find the BS class of 2018 thread LOL.


Annnnd, that’s a wrap! I can’t believe its over. After giving so many hours to the school these past 8 years (not just as a parent and athletic spectator but as volunteer and Board member), whatever will I do with all my time? Learn to knit? Dog rescue? Drink heavily? :wink:

Thank you all for having us on this ride with DC’18 and '22. Your guidance and advice and wisdom and calming presence have not only been invaluable to me, it has talked me off the ledge more times than I would have anticipated. And the friendships I’ve made with CC parents in real life will stay in my heart a very long time.

Raising my glass in a virtual toast to all of you, as well as those who will come behind us. Cheers, congratulations, and thank you.



I can’t believe I will have a college graduate in less than two weeks! That’s it. Just came to say that - it’s just so hard to believe! But very very exciting!


Man, it feels so weird to say it, but I am now an alum of Choate Rosemary Hall! These past years have flown by.


BS graduations really are so monumental! You realize that when it’s over, you’ll never be together again – what was the school for you will no longer be. And as an alum, you also realize that there was an intensity to the experience that will always knit you together. Congrats to all the grads and their families. New adventures await!


My daughters are curious why most BS do NOT use cap & gown for graduation.

Inquiring minds would like to know.

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Our local day schools don’t either.

Wondering the same. Although I like the school ties and navy blazers and white dresses.

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In days of old, Skip and Muffy would not be caught dead in something as plebian as a cap and gown. And rented no less.

Besides, all that polyester would catch fire from the embers of the obligatory graduation cigar.


School ties? No proper Lawrentian would be caught in something so basic. House ties only, folks.

Do they still do that at most schools? We have them here, but it seems questionably legal…