Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Not dinner, but for lunch yesterday I was brave and bought a healthy salad/bowl from a vending machine in the Dallas airport.

It was… Delicious!

Plus, when I finished, there was a deposit slot in the machine to recycle the container. I’m a new fan!


Many of the lower-level college math classes have become big circuses of lousy teaching and online instruction. I told my kids to take the Calc AP exams simply to place out of poor classes in the future.


:woman_facepalming: Leaving this bar and heading over to the Sinner’s Alley thread to see what’s rambling over there.


I know of exactly four people in my grade who haven’t yet or are not signed up for Calculus by senior year. I’m not that surprised, honestly.

We’re lucky enough to have Calculus (both AB and BC) be two of the four courses that do prepare you for the AP.

At groton few courses are labeled AP and even classes labeled AP are not necessarily taught to the test but many kids take the AP tests. There is a LOT of self study and “you’ll have to finish two months of curriculum yourself” kind of thing. I don’t like it. It’s unnecessarily stressful for kids. If it’s labeled AP or there’s an expectation loss will take the exam teachers should be expected to fully prepare the kids.


It’s really a shame that people can’t keep this thread on track.

By “on track” I mean properly trackless.

Like, how to frustrate spam callers and have fun while doing it.

Today I pretended to be a pizza place taking their order.
My brother answers imaginary questions.
One of my parent’s caretakers pretends to be a 911 dispatcher.

I used to just answer with a request that the caller meet with a spiritual leader of their family’s faith tradition and discuss their life choices.


@ChoatieMom @stalecookies

Should we keep Miscellaneous Ramblings true to its “bar/food/music/film/life” origins, and add a new “Miscellaneous Prep” catch-all as well?

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That’s a good idea - I suspect people are reluctant to start threads of their own.


Thankfully we moved to a different state and I kept my old phone number. So when spammers spoofed a “local” number, I never answered it because I never got calls from anyone in that area code. Of course now we live overseas and I have an international number. Spammers still try to call, but now they’re spammers from this country and I just answer the phone with a “Hello?” and people immediately hang up. :joy:

I’ll bite … my daughters dragged me down to the fashion and kimono exhibits at The Met today (which were quite interesting, though not very large) and in return I got to choose lunch which was a random Thai restaurant on the Upper East Side. Pretty good curry.

I was surprised how much time they spent in the Egyptian wing. There was a gallery slipped in there with cases that contained two pieces of African art, one from the past century and one from 3,000 years ago. It was interesting seeing the similarities between bowls, sculpture, ceremonial items, etc, across such a huge span of time

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Our son and his buddy just love to mess with spammers. They like to tell “Sarah from card services” that they are glad she called and wonder if she can assist with their car warranty, or tell “Robert from the dealership” that they’d be happy to discuss their car warranty if he’ll allow them to tell him about Jesus first. Sometimes they just try to order Chinese food from whomever’s on the other end. They crack themselves up. Boys.


If I’m feeling really ornery, I answer the phone saying “pronto” and if they respond, I simply launch into a monologue in Italian. They always hang up. :grin:


I think we should keep this thread to its intended lighthearted life musings and request that anyone with a serious question or comment about BS* just start their own thread instead of hijacking this one.

If anyone is unsure if Miscellaneous Ramblings is the correct place to post, just ask this question: “Do I want my post to be taken seriously?” If the answer is “yes,” please start a new thread. If the answer is, “I certainly hope not,” then post away.

*Some comments about BS do belong here. For instance (from the archives):

  • What’s the point of BS if the school expects you pick the kid up when school ends? What am I supposed to do with him for the summer?

  • DH is currently away for a while contemplating his role in the recent financial meltdown. As you can imagine, this inconvenience has temporarily affected our cash flow. How do we discreetly request financial aid for Biff’s senior year?

  • How morally bankrupt does one have to be to pay for laundry service at BS?

  • How morally superior is my kid for doing his own laundry? Does s/he get extra points for owning an iron (even if it’s being used as a panini press)?

You get the gist.


What happens if they also speak Italian? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

He starts ordering Chinese food.

It has not happened yet. When it happens, I’ll recite the lyrics of “I believe” in Italian and hope they don’t recognize it as coming from The Book of Mormon. :rofl:


I do this too. Not just boys! I love, when they ask for Mr GardenState, to burst into tears and wail “There is no Mr. Gardenstate!” DH fails to understand the joy I derive from these high entertaining interactions.


Also, with the way I’m feeling, dinner tonight is an early bedtime. :joy::joy:

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Got my schedule the other day.

One of the classes I’m in has Calculus as a prerequisite.

I scroll down the directory; one student is marked as “Form II” (freshman).

Just a reminder that at boarding school, there’s always someone better than you :smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear::smiling_face_with_tear:


I certainly would have appreciate that. There’s a reason I’m here and not reading the Competitive Parenting threads.

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