Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@ChoatieMom, yes, we are post-college now. Is that like post-apocalyptic? :rofl: Daughter has spent entire summer in Brazil and will return in a couple of weeks to start her job in NYC. Son is already working there and - great news for the mama - they are going to room together, along with one of son’s friends. Amazing location, 5th floor walkup to make amazing location affordable. As for how I’m adjusting…well, I have always been very adjustable! It’s good to see that you and other familiar “faces” are still hanging out here and rambling miscellaneously.


Congrats to the twins. Sounds like they have amazing adventures ahead of them — and a great place for mom to visit. :blush:

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Drop off complete. Now we need to train those kids like chickens for Christmas.


(Pretty sure the hen wasn’t using her own credit card.)

Friend from Kenya spent the night before drop-off with us and we collaborated on an amazing traditional meal before she has to eat BS food for the rest of the year.


@ChoatieMom you are still here! Hi! And hi to @twinsmama! I feel like I just fell through a worm hole (have a friend with daughters looking at schools now). But my girls are doing well. The NMH grad graudated from Emory 2020 and is now happily ensconced with her NMH boyfriend working in Boston. My Darrow daughter took an exta gap year and just started at Warren Wilson. I feel like my context for schools is too dated now to be super useful but I’m happy to message with parents interested in any of the above schools.


For those kind folks who may have wondered about us down in the swamp….We are open at our place by Ron Jon surf shop - have a generator and a full bar, but some roof damage…If you are down here in the swamp and need shelter, or resources, along the I-4 to I95 Daytona through Jax area please DM me.

Prayers for our CC families in the Collier County area up through Sarasota :pray:


Fellow swamp parent who is so thankful to have been out of the storm’s direct path. I have been worried sick over any CC families on the southwest coast. We are a 3 hour drive from Naples/Tampa etc, and while it’s unlikely for anyone to be checking CC right now, if you are on here, or if anyone knows anyone who needs help, please don’t hesitate to DM. We are currently waiting for a relative who has just left her house in Estero. We are fully powered, our stores are open and stocked, and we have room for more evacuees.


I made it up the stairs to their apartment…twice in one visit. And they took me out for my birthday - the first time they ever took me out after 22 years of my picking up the check!


For those of you wondering about IMG, the school posted a notice that the students are ok - dorms are back open and they have a generator. However, students who are not sheltered on campus or who returned home may have a bit of a wait to come back.

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Glad to hear! I’m in Collier Co and am in a company that has offices from south Naples to Sarasota and we also cover a hospital in Lee Co that is closing. Although I wanted more time off, I would never have wished for it to happen in this manner!

Every day is getting easier. I found a place that has WiFi today and was able to stream a college swim meet, so life is good and we are counting our blessings. Plus, with no power, the stars are AMAZING at night - allows for a nice backdrop for an evening drink.

Lots of boarding families are in SW FL and we are checking in with one another.
All the parents I know are thankful that our kids are out of town during this!


:rofl::joy::rofl::joy: I don’t know how my search for info on MPS came up with this post from spring 2021, but OMG, @ChoatieMom , this cracked me up!


@Golfgr8 my family are in Naples and I’m heading down there Friday. Things are a little better there than Fort Myers Beach and Sanibel but they still took a beating. My family’s homes are a little farther inland and fared pretty well.


I pray all is ok with your family! We need a new roof :exploding_head: - it’s only $$….but gee a new roof down here is like a year of tuition.

Did someone (@gardenstategal ) say “cocktail recipes”?! :grin: Thought I would revive this for parents waiting and waiting through the days that make it seem like March 10 will never arrive.

So, I had an excellent cocktail last weekend called a Clover Club. I’d never had one before, and it was delicious! Gin, lemon juice, raspberry syrup, and egg white (I love a good egg white cocktail). YUM!


That’s the spirit, @RoonilWazlib99!

Unfortunately, I’m still on meds from my hip replacement a couple of weeks ago, so I’m stuck with mocktails for a few more days. Tonight, while ChoatieDad was enjoying his bourbon, I had a Diet Coke with rum and coconut flavoring and a sprig of mint.

Don’t be me.

(For M10 cocktail talk past, just search for “cocktail” in this thread. For example.)

I see what you did there. And I like it. :rofl:

For Christmas, I got my husband three new (to us, but from an antique store) decanters and a mirror tray for them. He loves to have his different whiskeys on display. As he said, “We’re really classing up the joint now”. :grin:


I’m sorry … not a big drinker, here, and a major lightweight now that I’m a woman of a certain age, but did you say EGG WHITEs go in your DRINK?

Oh my goodness - yes! It’s the nice frothy bit on top here. That is a picture of the Clover Club cocktail.



Whoa! That’s pretty and makes me want to try one! Thanks!


The Clouseau.

Equal parts:
-Lillet Blanc
-St Germain
-grapefuit juice

Serve up or OTR as you like. Works well for batching.