Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

To be fair, if you have been on these boards for a long time, this is understood.

But for most readers, the title of this thread appears to be a safe space for all topics. I too made the mistake of posting a random (but honest) question here once. I got slapped on the wrist and will never do that again!

Put differently, I think this thread needs a change of title or this will of course keep happening. Just call it “boarding school parents comedy club” or something.

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I actually did not know this was only for non-serious conversation, and I’ve been here for years. :). I thought it was just for topics that a bit off topic from boarding schools… random or…well…miscellaneous. :). (Looking back to three years ago, it was here that I posted about finding out my daughter needing to get open heart surgery because I hadn’t told anyone in real life yet, and I loved the support that I got here. But talk about a big oops on my part – not a comedy moment even a little!)


Putting on my moderator hat for a minute, although I’m not longer moderating this thread; To be clear, it’s for any post, serious or not, although most posts have been on the humorous side.

That said, if you have an important question you want feedback on, it’s probably better to start a new thread than have it get lost in a 6800 post thread.


Makes sense, ski. “Ramblings” sort of implies that – if you actually want an answer to a BS question, this isn’t the thread.

This thread is not meant to be humorous or serious. At times it has been both and everything in between. This is the place we come to let our hair down and talk about anything but the nitty-gritty of BS. This is where we come when we need a break. Questions about admissions, FA, wait lists, grading policies, HOS changes, school cultures, etc. belong in the main forums. We come here to muse, ramble, vent, laugh, and cry over all the other BS that is happening in our lives. @Calliemomofgirl’s concerns about her daughter’s open heart surgery absolutely belonged here, and the community closed in and responded to this serious event in her family’s life. I have seriously posted about our son’s post-BS Army life and what his adult passages have meant to me. Many of us have talked about our anxieties over our empty(ing) nests. @AnonMomof2’s post about feeling sad as the BS journey comes to a close belongs here because this is where we understand. There’s always a stool here for weepy feelings. @SevenDad, who created this thread, likes to pop back in from time to time to ramble about music. I happen to like cocktails and poking fun at things, often at the same time. Others wander in here to chatter about what’s on their minds or what they’re observing in their lives at any given moment. This is the place for that.

@Paipt makes a good point. The title of this thread is not as clear as it once was because the stream of parents keeps moving and changing with each BS cycle and most of the crowd that was here when this thread was first (badly) needed are gone. In an attempt to clarify, I have changed the title* to “Miscellaneous Life Ramblings.” I hope that helps. If anyone has felt “slapped,” that was never the intention. As ski noted, if you bring a serious question about the nitty-gritty of BS here, you may not get the visibility and traction due your question, so it may be flagged to be moved to the main board as a separate thread to get the attention it deserves.


*ETA: @SevenDad, I hope you don’t mind.


I remember those feelings, @AnonMomof2. I tried to be as in the moment as I could during those last trips to Choate knowing that everything we did there during our son’s senior year would be a “last.” They were incredible years. Losing them was bittersweet even as we looked forward to his college adventure.

I also reminded our son before he returned to school after winter break for those final months to try to be as mindful and in the moment as possible before he said goodbye to Choate so he could pull out those high school memories to savor years down the road when he needed them. I had a similar phone conversation when he was getting ready to say goodbye to his college.

The time goes by so quickly. I think we grieve as much over what these milestones mean about the passage of time in our own lives as we do over what they mean to our children.

Savor every last minute.


I think that title is perfect!


I’ve been mainly a lurker here since my oldest was applying in 2018. This board has been so helpful over the years as we are a family with no previous BS experience in an area where BS is very uncommon. You’ve all helped us develop lists of schools to apply to, helped us through the M10 of 2020 when my middle child got a pile of WLs and no acceptances, and most of all have made me feel less crazy in a “misery-loves-company” sort of way as I dealt with major anxiety throughout four application processes. Friday, my third and youngest kid found out he’ll be joining his older brother at their sister’s alma mater (PEA) and while I’m so relieved and elated (both for him and for myself for never having to go through this again!) I’m also processing the reality that I’ll be an empty nester in 6 months. Anyway, just wanted to raise a glass (I’m having white wine tonight in protest of the unseasonably cold temps where I am) and say thanks for making this lurker feel less alone! Cheers!


As I’ve noted before, even though I’m not very active on the forum, when @ChoatieMom pages me, I answer. :wink:

Hard to imagine that it’s been nearly 10 years since I started this thread. Thinking back on its genesis, I probably started it because I wanted to chat about things that were not directly tied to any one school or even prep school admissions. We had a nice community of BS parents/aspirants back then (and I hope that vibe has continued!) and I felt like many of us were friendly enough to chat about/connect over “off topic” stuff. And here we are 6700 posts later.

I’m glad that the thread still has value to folks, and I applaud the change in title.

Hope people’s M10s held at least some good news. And if not, that the forum can offer some guidance/consolation.


Is it too early to have a drink? I’m actually planning my grocery shopping this morning for when alcohol is allowed to be sold (only at specific intervals in the day here) so I can stock up for the next few weeks as daughter tries to decide where to go to school. Outwardly calm for her - inwardly a storm of emotions over here.


Just channel the most appropriate time zone.

You typed this after 11 PM EDT, so just cogitate on some of your school choices. :wink:

P.S. Congratulations. :confetti_ball: :champagne: :confetti_ball: :wine_glass:

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I secured some whiskey for later (it’s still early afternoon here) and am going to the gym now. Trying really hard not to focus too much on the school choices, but it’s hard not to go and read everything on the school sites. I went through Pomfret’s entire student handbook this morning. Too bad I’m hitting the slow season for work right now - I could use the distraction!


Slaving away up in NH, at least the views are nice :upside_down_face:


That’s beautiful, @artgag06! Enjoy every minute of that view—with a cup of hot tea or cocoa. Nice shoveling job.

79 and sunny here in AZ today, but I did peek in on our cabin (via security cam) before the power potentially goes out. It’s beautiful there, too.


Highs in the 90s here today, but currently 75, which is why I try to get my exercise in before the sun comes up.


Anyone else go through emotional swings as your kid was deciding where to go? Part of me just wants her to make her decision already and the other part is grateful she is taking her time and really thinking everything through. ACK! Only a couple of weeks left until she has to make her decision, but this feels as hard as waiting for March 10! She has narrowed her list down to three and informed the other three schools she will not be enrolling in the fall, so it’s a start.


Hopeful, you like all of them as well. DS liked one that I felt uneasy about, and while he ultimately chose the one I liked best, that made me very nervous.

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Yes, absolutely! My kid reached his decision fairly quickly, so he’s all set and we’re very happy about it. However, at times I’ve found myself still pestering him, “Are you 10,000% sure?!?” Lol. It’s one of the first really big decisions for these kids! Good luck with the next few weeks.


The worst emotion I dealt with was when our son ripped open that first acceptance package, and the first words out of his happy mouth were, “See you later, Mom!” First words. It was a bit of a gut punch. I was sure I hadn’t been beating him with hangars (lately) but, evidently, boarding school was emancipation from his previous 13 years of torture under our roof. At least, it felt that way to me. And that package was not even from the school he eventually chose. That was a two martini night.

Good luck to all of you as your children make their decisions. There are no bad choices among schools that have shown the love to your student. Enjoy revisits, let your gut decide, then buckle up for one of the best rides of their lives.



I really wish it were possible for us to go to revisits because I feel like that would make the decision very clear. As it is, we now know we need to wait at least another week as she has a chat set up with a dorm at one of the schools for next week when they will gather in their common room and do a big “get to know you” session with my daughter and answer all of her questions. The closest we can get to a revisit and I love that the school is setting it up for her.