Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

There is one that keeps popping back on her list and every time it comes off, I am relieved. But then it somehow snakes it way back on. I did share my reservations about that one with her, but we’ll see where it ends up. Yesterday when she was deciding which schools to tell a definitive “no thank you” to, that school stayed on her maybe list.


Something to love about all of them - and something at each that gives pause. Hoping re-visit days narrow things down - so far DD wants to go to all of them. :rofl:


Thanks for this thread, new to CC while going through the BS process. M10 was a blessing with results and did not even know I would be here typing about the next step. Recently scheduled 2 revisits at 2 of his top choices relatively near each other and are rivals. I thought we were all set to go for early April and see both schools back to back and compare but I get a frantic text and phone call from my wife while at work that one of the schools called and asked if we were going to do a revisit. She told them she did schedule one for one in early April and said that they never received a registration. She asked if they could register him for the day but they said they were already booked for that day. So she had to make an on the spot decision to visit the school in 3 days. The school is a good 7 hour drive from our home. Revisit this past week went well and it helped solidify my son’s expectations at the school. The school was fabulous and he felt comfortable in the math and bio classes with his tour guide and did well participating and answering questions in class. We now have to return again in 5 days for a revisit day to the next BS which is a rival. He wants to make sure of his decision. The school choice is his decision but I am really worried he is going to like the next school and it will be a flip of a quarter that will decide where he will be these next 4 years and where our family will be traveling on rivalry weekends and parent weekends for possibly the next 6 years if our daughter follows him there. She told him to chose wisely… a roller coaster of emotions these pst 2 weeks! Thanks for letting me ramble.


Happy Opening Day!


When my oldest son went to admitted student weekends at his college choices, he left every single one saying that was where he wanted to go to school. We joked that he would just end up going to the last school that had an event . . . he just graduated from that school last June! :rofl:


Don’t count on sibs ending up at the same BS. My S25 was waitlisted at DD23’s BS. :wink:


When you like schools equally well, a quarter flip is a sound way to choose. Nice problem to have. Congrats!


If any parents or students who have experience with summer BS programs stumble in here, can you please help out a poster on this thread on the main board who is looking for suggestions?

I chuckled because ACK is the airport code for Nantucket. Reading your comment with this in mind adds some levity. Good luck with your DD’s decision - I know she has many wonderful choices!


Where did he end up picking for next year?!

What’s happening with everyone else? I’m currently rewatching Breaking Bad.

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Our son got me to watch Breaking Bad during his Choate years. The violence was hard to watch, but the writing and characters were so good, I watched it to the end even though it’s the type of story I would usually avoid. Then, DH and I watched it all the way through a couple of years later. It deserved the awards it got. We enjoyed the spin-off Better Call Saul just as much, maybe more. Bob Odenkirk is a real talent.

Right now, we’re planning for our return to Maine for the summer and our son’s wedding in June. I’m getting a daughter! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh, and ChoatieLT will be ChoatieCPT next month.


Is there a prep school college matriculation thread?

My current favorite binge show, apple+ is Bad Sisters

My SIL got us to start watching Bad Sisters last year while she was visiting us at the cabin. We just couldn’t get into it so didn’t finish it after she left. I’d say we got about halfway through.

I knew I liked you for a reason.

I watched it based on recommendations here, and I still don’t get the fascination.

I watched to the end. It didn’t get better.

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Beef on Netflix is a great watch.


Never heard of it, but we don’t have AppleTV, so it doesn’t matter anyway (and sounds like it wouldn’t have been worth it).

I watched Breaking Bad for the first time when it was on AMC originally. It was so hard to wait for the next episode each week!! Something I find very interesting about it is that all of the main characters have glaring flaws or are just downright unlikeable. And yet you keep tuning in to watch.

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Congrats to him!

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I couldn’t get past the melting a person in a bathtub of acid with Breaking Bad, so…

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Got Covid again. :face_with_thermometer:

Everything hurts. Who has a good show for me to binge while I am sequestered in my room? Nothing too serious.