Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

I am sorry! The Great British Baking Show is my go-to comfort viewing. Ted Lasso and Shrinking, on apple+ are good too.


Agreed. Such a comfort watch.

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Drive to Survive (which follows Formula 1) is (surprisingly) fun to watch and will require very little effort on your part. I have zero interest in motor sports but find this pretty mindless entertainment.

Arrested Development, Freaks and Geeks, and the Office are all ancient, funny and will require nothing of you. These are ones we’ve watched multiple times.

So sorry you’re not well and your life is being disrupted. Wishing you a speedy recovery.


Has anyone watched Welcome to Wrexam? I’m intrigued by the story and am contemplating a subscription so that I can watch it…

Me too


I love how supportive everyone is in the Great British Baking Show. Like crying because their friend is being sent home. They celebrate the wins of others. I love the ‘soggy bottom’ and not shying away from the fact that the presenters like alcohol.

Another easy watch, and (other than a couple of ‘weird’ episodes like Beard After Hours) is Ted Lasso. Positive messages of happiness, what success looks like, and self care. I’m not a soccer fan, at all. But I love this show.


Another big thumbs up for Ted Lasso, definitely a feel-good show. We also enjoy Call the Midwife for the same reason. It’s nice to watch stories that display common human decency and kindness.

And I hope you feel better soon, @RoonilWazlib99.


Thanks, everyone! I don’t have AppleTV, so can’t watch a lot of the shows like Ted Lasso, but I did use our VPN to watch some British Bake Off (it’s not available in the country where we are, so I have to pretend I’m elsewhere).

Still hurt all over and massive sore throat, but hopefully that will be gone soon enough.

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I was just about to post the same! I want to watch it so badly but clicked off at that scene and have not been able to go back. Yet, I loved GOT and the violence didn’t get to me, go figure.


The bathtub scene (actually, the clean up from the bathtub) was the worst scene. I almost turned it off at that point, but didn’t and nothing else was that bad or even close.


Confirmation that our daughter is not in a place with a lot of school spirit. This was actually one of the reasons she was looking for a different school - she LOVES spirit weeks, but she would complain that no one else participated and that people don’t go to games/plays/etc. She wanted a student body that was excited about school and the community.

Anyway, we weren’t sure how much she was exaggerating about the lack of school spirit, but just got notification from the school that they have cancelled the 8th grade social to celebrate their graduation from middle school due to “lack of interest”. :frowning::frowning: Kids had to submit permission slips as it was being held off campus at a local hotel. Not enough kids wanted to go (even with many reminders and an extension of the permission deadline) so they decided it wasn’t worth it to have it just for the kids that were interested.

Really hoping next year at her new school is different!

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This was similar to our experience (although probably not as extreme). Sorry to hear that the graduation celebration was canceled. At least she has something exciting to look forward to for next year.

My kid’s middle school was holding a talent show this spring, but had to cancel because not enough kids signed up. Not enough talent, clearly.

For my BS kid, on Sunday there’s a ‘student concert’. It’s performed outside, on the steps of the arts building. Students sit on blankets on the lawn to watch. Anyone can sign up, often it’s bands, soloists, anything goes really, sports teams, dorms etc. Anyway, its running from 2pm-7:30pm and school had to close the sign up submissions because there were so many kids who wanted to perform. Even my kid (who is NOT a performer) is doing something. I love their school spirit.


My daughter was contemplating singing with a friend at it this Sunday. ( I don’t know if she signed up) She has never sung in front of anyone, even though she dances all the time in shows. Never in a million years would she have considered it at her public school. Kids would make fun. There is so much school spirit at her BS and kids are so supportive of ALL, not just athletics.

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My kid’s BS did a full weekend of this every winter featuring many student bands and performers. It was always one of the most popular weekends of the year. Like the one being described above at DA, being spread over a period of time seemed to take the pressure off performers and encourage participation. @AnonMomof2 , hope your D does it!

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They have these at least twice a year. As a Senior it’s her last chance. Another great thing they do is have a dance performance, the Spring play and music performance all on graduation weekend. Looking forward to that!

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In other news, I don’t have to get surgery on my rotator cuff! After a few consults, doctor thinks PT will be able to get my shoulder functioning again. After five months of intense pain, I’m very excited!!


PT worked for my partially torn rotator cuff, I expect it will for you, too. Our only difference is my surgeon strongly wanted to do surgery. He was wrong :slight_smile:


Another treatment to consider (for anyone with joint issues) is PRP (Protein Rich Plasma/stem cells) which is being discussed on this thread. I had PRP injections in both knees a few weeks ago to prolong a replacement in one knee and perhaps preclude surgery in the other. :crossed_fingers:

Good luck with your PT, @RoonilWazlib99.

I just found out that I’ll be graduating cum laude!!!


WOW!!! Amazing! So proud of you… congratulations! Can you tell us where you will be going to college?