Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>Love this thread. All the good stuff that makes us pull out our hair and laugh ourselves silly. High IQ is no match for the idiocy of adolescence.</p>

<p>Riddle: How many 15 year old boys with one small tube of Clearasil does it take to completely ruin a rug?</p>

<p>Wow, Clearasil! Do they even still make that stuff? I will never forget the smell of that cream.</p>

<p>They do…in both prescription and non-prescription form. No longer available through this particular vendor.</p>

<p>Perhaps is time to track down the Stridex pads. Can’t do much harm to a rug with them!</p>

<p>@classicalmama: one?</p>

<p>@harvestmoon1: Do you have boys? ;)</p>

<p>HarvestMoon1: or maybe even SeaBreeze!</p>

<p>Or Bonnie Bell Ten O Six!</p>

<p>Biore Strips. Personally, I like the visual instant gratification once you pull the strip off your nose. ( Or rip it off a rotten teenager’s nose).</p>

<p>Pops: I think–no hope–that one is the correct answer, as it would otherwise mean Clearasil squirting wars? Illegal v’s going in directions no mother wants to know? </p>

<p>Biore Strips are new on me…Bonnie Bell Ten O Six, on the other hand, gave me a vivid flashback of wearing lip smackers on ropes. my comb sticking out of my pocket so that I could keep my Farrah-Fawcett-I-wish hair flip in line.</p>

<p>classicalmama: I think some of us are a bit older than others. Just a guess.</p>

<p>OK, now we’ll find out who’s REALLY old… anyone remember the Yardley Glimmericks paintbox? Or a shampoo called “Gee, Your hair Smells Terrific”???</p>

<p>London, they still sell SeaBreeze and I sill love the smell. That and Jean Nate.
But Bonnie Bell Ten O Six, now that I had forgotten. It was amber in color right?</p>

<p>How about “Pssssst” - that dry shampoo that you sprayed on your hair? And Lemon Go Lightly and Sun In, they turned your hair an awful orange color.</p>

<p>I also remember an inexpensive shampoo called “Halo” - it was blue.</p>

<p>Cameo… I think you can still buy “Gee Your Hair Smells Terrific” at the Vermont Country Store… I have to laugh, as I still say that out loud sometimes… and in my best commercial voice too! :)</p>

<p>Classicalmama: we might be the exact same age. Your memory slammed me right back to 7th grade.</p>

<p>HarvestMoon: ahh. Jean Nate bath splash. Got some as a present for the 12th birthday. Yum. (well, yum THEN). SunIn - the master of orange hair. I fondly recall SeaBreeze “facials” at boarding school. We really thought we were “all that”.</p>

<p>PhotographerMom: where are you in this trip down memory lane… well at least the beauty aisle of Memory Lane…</p>

<p>Remember when Benzoyl Peroxide was the “new thing” on the shelves, replacing the sulpher-based creams? It was a miracle! (Still loved my Ten-O-Six, though!) </p>

<p>I had a gift set of six lipsmackers that I treasured. And yes, a pet rock. Never ever got my hair to do the Farrah flip, except for maybe about 10 seconds if I did not move.</p>

<p>Fun trip!</p>

<p>PS… just googled LipSmackers. They still exist. But not in the cool tin with the sliding top…(or am I thinking of another strawberry flavored goo).</p>

<p>Cameo, I loved Yardley of London as a teenager. Think Twiggy was their model. Loved the packaging of the Slicker lipsticks, the horizontal pastel stripes. And that sweet taste.</p>

<p>How about Dippity Do? My best friends’s mother used to use that gunk!</p>

<p>Dippity Do! What a memory. And how about Heaven Sent perfume?</p>

<p>(I can’t help but wonder what SevenDad thinks of this thread now…! ;)</p>

<p>I think I have a winner and a true BS Classic: Flex Shampoo.</p>

<p>Noxzema (loved that smell). Love Baby Soft and Charlie perfumes. And Farah Fawcett had her own shampoo, didn’t she?</p>