Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I love how BS kids act like they live on a remote island somewhere… completely clueless about weather events like snow predictions for the middle of April. This morning I received a text with a picture of a snow covered lawn and the caption: What the bloody h*** is this?</p>

<p>I replied: A one day reprieve from allergy season?</p>

<p>Seriously- Download the weather channel app or something! </p>

<p>And, seriously, put on a coat CK.</p>

<p>Come on, CM! You know our kids haven’t worn coats all year!! </p>

<p>Okay @stargirl3- After closer inspection, our roasted seaweed is indeed the Kirkland variety from Costco. I’m tempted to try it based on your recommendation. Maybe I’ll wait until Photodad comes home so he’ll have the pleasure of holding my hair… but I do promise I’ll give it a try and report back! :)</p>

<p>Careful with those dried dates, or any dried fruit for that matter. They can kill your teeth. That concentrated sugar gets in every nook and cranny.</p>

<p>And Heinz ketchup abroad tastes a lot different too because they use cane sugar instead of corn sugar. It seems sweeter. I don’t know if it tastes better to me, just different. </p>

<p>@neatoburrito My mom warns be… I have good genes, even if it’s only tooth-wise! (I actually have horribe teeth and will eventually need surgery before braces. They are good only because nothing sticks!)</p>

<p>Might be TMI, but the GI doc told me to eat a bunch of fruits that are most widely available dried. Dates, apricots, figs… If anyone knows of a dried apricot brand that doesn’t add “natural flavors” or some other mystery ingredient, let me know!</p>

<p>The cool restaurants in my town have “Mexican Coke” on the menu. And you can get it at Costco, too.</p>

<p>CM, according to my DD, none of the boys at her school “own” coats and they wear big hooded sweatshirts all winter. I assured her that their mothers would not have sent them off to boarding school in New Hampshire without coats, whether they choose to wear them or not.</p>

<p>My daughter won’t wear her coat either. It came home recently and I didn’t even bother to clean it… it practically still had tags on it. Some upperclass girls bought her some tights because they couldn’t bear to see her legs in the cold. LOL Never mind that she has tights… just won’t wear them. Kinda reminds me that when I was in boarding school I would wear my shorts across campus to practice - in February. What was I thinking?</p>

<p><a href=“Facebook”>https://www.facebook.com/exeteraskanexonian/posts/698374560212742:0&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>CameoKid and her freshmen pals all packed away their warm clothes in a delighted frenzy last week when the temperatures were balmy. (She should know better, we have lived in New England for a long time!! ) They were all quite shocked to wake up to snow and ice yesterday. I wonder what she wore to class… 8-| </p>

<p>Oh, yeah. Try replacing the asterisks in my link with face book . com.</p>

<p>This is the brand of seaweed one of my Korean friends turned me on to:
<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Roasted-Seaweed-Green-Laver/dp/B0049UFDJK”>http://www.amazon.com/Premium-Roasted-Seaweed-Green-Laver/dp/B0049UFDJK&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>She noted that “it’s not her favorite favorite, but that particular brand is difficult to find except in korean grocery stores”. The brand above lies at the intersection of good and easily available.</p>

<p>Korean grocery stores have the best seaweed. It’s even better in Korea, though.</p>

<p>I’ve always wondered what seaweed tastes like.</p>

<p>It’s crispy and tastes slightly salty, some more than others. Can’t really describe the flavor though… Unique.</p>

<p>Saw today where NMH hired Sharon Howell, Resident Dean of Adam’s House at Harvard as its new Associate Head of School. She’s a Harvard grad and a published poet. She came under a bit of fire during the recent cheating scandal as she spoke out publicly about the administration searching the email accounts of Harvard staff members in an effort to find out who leaked the scandal information to the Harvard Crimson and other media. She seems like a very accomplished, passionate educator…I’m excited!</p>

<p>Many years ago had the best Korean green iced tea made from powder. Wish I could find it somewhere in the states. </p>

<p>The new hire sounds great for NMH. Was this cheating scandal at Harvard this year or last? I have a friend who’s daughter is a freshman at Harvard this year. During first semester finals, a student called in a fake bomb threat and disrupted finals. I think my friend said they identified the fake bomb threat caller. </p>

<p>I finally opened a package of roasted seaweed tonight. Maybe I didn’t sample it correctly by not pairing it with the right thing but… NO. </p>

<p>This is the last time I listen to you people. </p>

<p>You’re not alone, PhotoMom. I think it’s icky too. :-& </p>

<p>I eat it plain! I love it. But not as much as peanut butter, bananas, grape tomatoes, chocolate, sweet corn, my mom, my Vitamix, my water bottle, or my brother. Or my dog or cat. Or my family friend/aunt. (Or CC!)</p>

<p>In no particular order. :)</p>