Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>I wrote two BIG checks today-- wince…</p>

<p>This week is check-writing in our household. My sympathies, @GMT, but cheers!</p>

<p>I didn’t write any checks, but I wrote on a BIG page in my journal! Does that count? 8-| </p>

<p>As a testament to my crazy disorganization - I wrote the BIG check on one of 2 accounts, but not sure now that it was the right one. Anxiously monitoring both accounts online now in case I have to do a hasty transfer. (Was never good at balancing my checkbook, but this has taken it to a whole new level.) :P</p>

<p>@RuralMama – I did EXACTLY that last year: I wrote the big check out of our household account instead of the tuition account – two different banks/checkbooks. Imagine my horror when, a few days later, my phone started sending me all these red alerts from household bank that our account was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over-drained. I left my office faster than a speeding bullet to right this with the bank and the school. This year, I sent a note to my (now) friend in the financial office promising that I would use the correct checkbook this time. The school had a much better sense of humor than the bank.</p>

<p>For the Love of God @GMTplus7- Put things in the proper perspective: You have just purchased a beautiful new Porsche Panamera that you will never see or drive… </p>

<p>Feel better?</p>

<p>By the end of senior year, we will have paid Choate more than the mortgage on our house. Yeah, I feel so much better. Thanks for the “perspective,” PM.</p>

<p>We will be cutting it close (no pun intended… “cut a check” get it???) this year. Fees are due the 15th…hoping we make it on time! :D</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom My house cost less than 4 yrs of tuition. My friend in NYC pays more for monthly HOA than what another friend in IL pays for mortgage. So I guess it depends on where you live. </p>

<p>Back in the old days when I wrote checks for Day School tuition, I remember thinking: There goes another Volkswagen Convertible Bug that I will never see or drive… </p>

<p>When we moved up to (3X) JBS- BS tuition, I remember thinking: Heck- I could move to Montenegro and have “M” send ME an Aston Martin DBS…</p>

<p>I suppose it could be anything… There goes 15 brand new Subzero refrigerators out the door! Obviously, I like cars. </p>

<p>On another note…K2 just told me he finished his summer reading and my first instinct was to pack up all his stuff and load the car…</p>

<p>( That’s bad, right?) </p>

<p>Speaking of checks: I mailed (express since I am down to the wire!) next year’s fees today. It is oddly relieving and sickening at the same time. It is nice to know we are all set for the year, but it is very sad to look at our bank account online. Guess we need to keep our “eyes on the prize”. LOL</p>

<p>I am NOT a person that uses smiley faces and I’m actually quite alarmed at how often I use them here…</p>

<p>That was my son’s dorm. Backstory…3rd former ran out of deodorant… Went for more than a week wearing extra layers and spraying self with axe…couldn’t seem to figure out how to get more deodorant and was waiting for parents to visit…
True story.</p>

<p>Why the EPA hasn’t banned Axe is beyond me… If I were a dorm parent, I’d have a stockpile of Ivory Soap and unscented Tom’s deodorant on hand at all times. :slight_smile: In a boy’s dorm, I’d hand them out like party favors! </p>

<p>I think my husband may have won the prize for being the first parent to ask: When do they go back? Imagine waking up ( at 5am ) to the windows in your house rattling and this blaring: <a href=“Sounds Of San Francisco Remix [Global Deejays] - YouTube”>Sounds Of San Francisco Remix [Global Deejays] - YouTube; because the kids were downstairs working out… </p>

<p>He called me on his way to work and said the song San Francisco is now stuck in his head. LOL. </p>

<p>I kinda like it. :slight_smile: Although perhaps not at 5am. Not sure how your kids wake up at that hour - mine would sleep until 2pm if I let her… maybe they were up from the night before? heehee</p>

<p>^^^ Was thinking the same thing. I would gladly put up with that “remix” if I could get my child out of bed before noon!</p>

<p>We get up early around here but this was a little jarring and about 35- 45 minutes too early!! Epic side eye from my husband who probably could’ve used the extra sleep. I love how they suddenly became MY kids… ( Be sure to wear some flowers in your hair, Pal :slight_smile: )</p>

<p>London- Yes- that did occur to me !!</p>

<p>I’m just wondering how many kids try to reset their body clocks before school and when they do it. I don’t think my kids have much to reset (given their summer schedules this year) but I’m thinking in the past it’s been a week or two before school starts? It’s all a blur now… :slight_smile: </p>

<p>7D1 has had a summer internship involving a 6:20 AM train. So we’ve (I drive her to station and wife gets up out of sympathy) been getting up at 5 AM since mid June. This is earlier than the 5:30 AM start I’d been getting during the school year (for carpool duty). I’m toast by like 10 pm these days.</p>

<p>On another note…is anyone else into the animated series “Bob’s Burgers”? Daughters introduced us to it and I really like it. A Fox show, but also on Netflix.</p>

<p>@SevenDad Bob’s Burgers also comes on Cartoon Network on certain nights. I think Sundays and Mondays. It’s not one of my favorites but I do like the daughter, Louise.</p>

<p>@stormymom: I love the actress who voices her (Kristen Schaal of “Flight of the Conchords”), but find Louise one of my least favorites on the show. She’s a little too mean for my taste (I find that the world is filled with enough real mean-spiritedness to appreciate the fictional variety). I don’t love Gene either. But the teen daughter and parents are great.</p>

<p>I absolutely lurve Linda. “All Right!” has become a non-ironic catch phrase in our household.</p>

<p><a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube;