Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>My exams end the 5th and we have to be out of the dorms on the 6th.</p>

<p>@ChoatieMom, CK is lucky he can stay in the dorms; last year when I took the SAT II’s, I went straight from the airport to the testing center after taking the red-eye. Fortunately I can sleep on the plane and my local airport has a shower. :)) </p>

<p>My kids last exam is this wEdnesday, but the whole school participates in graduation festivities, so she’ll be coming home on Friday. And then we have to go back to school on June 7 for the SAT2. I can’t believe that no school closer to home is offering the biology exam.</p>

<p>Taking the Math II in two weeks…</p>

<p>A little bit unnerving IMO. First major standard test of my HS career.</p>

<p>If you’ll allow me to digress slightly…</p>

<p>I just wanted to say that I’ve FINALLY FINISHED ALL MY PLACEMENT TESTS AND QUESTIONNAIRES for SPS! :smiley: <:-P O:-)</p>

<p>As I am a notorious procrastinator, completing the placement tests ahead of time is quite an accomplishment for me. Usually I wait till I receive at least 1 notification from the school (telling me to “HAND IN THOSE FORMS PRONTO, LAZY BUM; IF NOT, WE WILL ACCEPT SOME MORE RESPONSIBLE APPLICANT IN YOUR PLACE”); however, this time, I completed all of the documents without needing any reminders!</p>


<p>BSX: looks like you’re already in the "time management"groove. Good for you!! :)>- </p>

<p>@cameo43 Thanks! :)) :)>-</p>

<p>But based on the fact that I’ve just spent an hour on CC instead of doing my homework (I have a test & a presentation tomorrow), I guess you can’t teach old dogs new tricks.</p>

<p>LOL I’m doing the same thing! But there’s so much to do on CC! :smiley: </p>




<p>Hi all - I’ve not been on the boards much lately: it’s been a very crazy year for our older D, with college visits and auditions, as well as final high school performances and experiences. </p>

<p>D is home after a hectic but wonderful last week of boarding school, culminating with Festival (a 3-day long celebration of graduating seniors and PGs, with recitals, concerts, performances, showcases, screenings and readings from all the different arts majors at the Academy), Honors Convocation (where she received a Young Artists award for outstanding theatre student) and finally, Commencement.</p>

<p>You can see her smiling face in this video, around the three min. mark:</p>



<p>Can’t believe one journey is over, and an exciting new one is just beginning! She’ll be home for all of a week, then off to work at a Shakespeare festival (her very first paid acting gig!) and then to Edinburgh to perform at the Fringe Festival, before heading off to college at the end of August.</p>

<p>Hugs to all you parents of seniors out there, feeling the same crazy swirl of emotions! And for you parents just beginning your boarding school journey - be prepared to be amazed by the growth your kids experience through this process: academically, artistically, socially and spiritually. D has grown and changed in ways that would never have been possible if she had stayed at home.
From our perspective, her boarding school journey was worth all the sacrifices.</p>

<p>Congratulations @mountainhiker‌ !!</p>

<p>Cheers, @mountainhiker! We’re all envious that you are through the process. CONGRATS!!!</p>

<p>@mountainhiker your D’s school video was touching. For more heartwarming videos about graduation and the journey check out Google’s tribute to graduates. </p>

<p>@mountainhiker CONGRATULATIONS! :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Congratulations, @mountainhiker‌! Best of luck to your daughter. I’ve enjoyed hearing about Interlochen from you.</p>

<p>Okay, so it’s been a while since we talked about dried fruit and such, but I must say that I have tried whole, non-pitted Medjool dates and they are divine. Half as much money at Costco than Whole Foods. :)</p>

<p>Dried cherries and blueberries aren’t bad.</p>

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<p>Happy Father’s Day to
mountainhiker, 7Dad, GMT+7, photodad plus many more dads on CC!</p>

<p>Thanks, @payn4ward for payin’ it forward! </p>

<p>I’m embarrassed to admit how long it took me to understand your username.</p>

<p>You’re welcome. :wink:
I know it wasn’t very good shorthand :slight_smile: only saved 2 key strokes :slight_smile: </p>