Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

The equivalent of a CC party? Lol

@PhotographerMom, I got a little notice that I was “Promoted” (whatever that means) to “Senior Member” when it rolled over to 1,000. Congratulations!

Thanks- Here goes nothing! :slight_smile:

I’d like to thank my family for not judging me…

I have to say, I have NOT been so fortunate…

@ItsjustSchool - If an occasional side-eye counts- we’re in the same boat!! Just when I was thinking: What if I don’t want to be a “Senior Member”… Bam! I got the notification LOL.

Haha welcome to the crew of grandmas and grandpas :stuck_out_tongue: @PhotographerMom

Back in the day, we were tied for number of posts @PhotographerMom‌ - you HAVE been busy! :smiley:

You need to re-examine your priorities. I definitely plan to get a life…someday. Maybe after ChoatieKid graduates. At least, that’s what I keep telling myself. Until then, I lurk until I can respond aggressively to some newbie. :wink:

I love your new hobby @ChoatieMom. B-) :-S

Congrats on becoming a senior! I hope the Social Security checks will help with the tuition bills. :slight_smile:

Some of us newbies have a LOT of talking to do…

croissantMiser: My DC is now a freshman at NMH, so I got to say hello to Sharon Howell a couple of times. Did you see her at the NMH Today session this past Friday? She is just so fantastic! Sharon seems to be bringing all these eye-popping guest speakers to NMH campus, including Nicholas Kristoff & Sheryl WuDunn of NYTimes, and E. O. Wilson. Just amazing how bringing one administrator to campus makes such great impact.

I had some concerns about the school in the beginning, but I am beginning to truly appreciate the quality of education my DC is receiving from the school. The teachers are all phenomenal – I really think prospective candidates who will be searching for a school with emphasis on solid education, appreciation of individuality, and mutual respect among the community members should consider NMH. Thanks for all the pep talk along the way while we were going through the application process, just about this time last year. It was very helpful. :slight_smile:

I have always been a booster for NMH. If I had been the student making the decision, I would have chosen One Lamplighter Way. (No diss on Choate at all. It’s been perfect for CK, but I’m a different animal.)

I can vouch for ChoatieM as she was a great resource for us last year as we went through the process. Our freshman experience has been extremely positive thus far at NMH, with the only small issue being the lack of communication with our D’s advisor. At recent family day, impromptu discussions with other freshman parents revealed a similar complaint. I don’t know if this is specific to NMH or a consistent theme through the BS community; however, I have been disappointed in the lack of advisor communication & support, especially with parents and also with academic issues, like class registration/changes, etc. If I hadn’t contacted the registrar directly to request a class change after advisor said it was closed out, my D would have been stuck in a class she had no interest in taking…I don’t think that should be my responsibility as I expect the advisor to be my child’s advocate on campus, but maybe I’m expecting too much.

@CroissantMiser‌: Regarding the “stuck in a class” thing…I’ve always viewed the role of the our daughter’s advisor (the one at SAS, at least) to be less of an academic one and more of a “overall well being” one. When it comes to academics, we’ve communicated with the Academic Dean and found that to be a good channel.

On a totally unrelated note, did anyone’s children really think Missy Elliot was a “new” artist based on her joining Katy Perry at Super Bowl halftime show?

Thanks 7D…I appreciate the reply. Unfortunately, when we did communicate directly with the registrar, her first response was “have you spoken with (advisor) about this?..s/he is your first point of contact with all things related to your child here.”…

This brings up a great point that we are having trouble with as new parents. Who are we supposed to contact? There should be more guidance around the ins and outs of this. Advisor for somethings, dorm parent for others, Dean of students for others? We are pretty confused and are often not getting much of a response. My best guess is my daughter is doing the heavy lifting, which I’m proud of, but we feel really cut off ( even though our style is pretty laid back). I’m taking my daughter back to school tomorrow after the latest storm and I’m going try and get some answers from people. You’d think with hundreds of students ( and families to manage) there’d be more clear contact.

I definitely thought so. I had no idea who she was before the Super Bowl.

Ummm, no.