Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Regarding Missy Elliott…her video for “The Rain (Supa Dupa Fly)” was so breakthrough back in the day…

My kids knew who Missy Elliott was and wished that Katy Perry had gotten off the stage…

Nothing beats Diana Ross exiting the stadium in a helicopter after her Super Bowl performance.

Diana always did have a sense of grandeur.

I’m a kid myself, but I knew that she was an older artist. I’m sure that there were plenty of people that thought she was a rising star, though!

@jdewey, I’m sure it varies from school to school. No reason, though, why you shouldn’t just ask the question straight out to your child’s advisor: “I want to make sure that I’m communicating with the school in the preferred way, am I supposed to come to you first for any concerns I have?”

I’ve also found that it’s often easiest to raise any concerns first by way of email (unless there’s some emergency, obviously). One of the big advantages to doing so is that you can just copy any additional people who you think are potentially relevant, like a class dean or dorm faculty. That way they’re all in the loop at once, and can help make sure you get to whoever is the best person to discuss the issue with.

Update: I had a great visit with her/our advisor. We talked about lots of things and I feel a lot more clear about how to communicate and with whom, and also what to do when it doesn’t work. It made a world of difference to do that in person rather than via phone or email. I think I’ll make a point of reaching out in person when I’m on campus when possible. We are still new to this. @soxmom I really like your advice, and in hindsight that got a great result earlier on…

@jdewey: I was in contact with an alumni at one of the schools I am applying to and I asked him a similar question about the support structure at BS. I’d be happy to PM you the response I received–it was very informative and helpful.

Another thing you can do in an email is state, “Please feel free to forward this email to the appropriate person.”

On a recent flight, I had the chance to watch Oscar Nominee/Winner “Whiplash”. Loved it, but found the ending very ambiguous. Anyone have any thoughts?

My family and I loved Whiplash. It and the Imitation Game were my favorites among this year’s Oscar nominated films. JK Simmons acting was stellar. I’ve read different folks takes on the ending. My take was that teacher and student reached some sort of symbiotic connection. Also that there can often be a fine line between brilliance/excellence and insanity.

I haven’t seen it but that looks intriguing. Thanks! Brings up a great question. What are some of your favorite movies about schools/prep schools? Off the top of my head Flirting, Fame, Never Let Me Go and recently Frequencies.

I always liked “Scent of a Woman” and “Dead Poet’s Society,” as well as “A Separate Peace.”

Loved that they used beautiful Pomfret for the photo, the E&R quip and #25 is awesome ( and so true! ).


7 is a classic....the absolute truth (Although in my day it was "Ornade and Aspirin")...and they then sent you back to class where you promptly fell asleep on the desk because the antihistamines kicked in. :smile:

For all the people tell me that applicants/parents don’t chase status, here’s a quote from a recent thread regarding 2015 college admission cycle:

“It’s just that my parents are immigrants, so they hoped for somewhere a little more elite.”

I’m not saying this goes on for everyone…but more people than care to admit it. And yes, I am the son of immigrant parents…though honestly/thankfully(?), my parents didn’t really know much about the US college landscape at the time.

Re advisor, we made sure to set up a meeting in person the few times a year we were on campus, which really helped form and grow a bond. We felt very comfortable emailing him when anything came up we thought he should know, or with questions. Even “D was really upset during phone call today” and he tromped up to her room and got back to us on it. thankfully only one of those, but what was interesting was that a teacher had already told him the concern. There are many caring adults forming a web around the kids.

I think SevenDad is making a good point. My big sis is heading to Vanderbilt next year and my dad (an immigrant) won’t stop calling it a “second-tier school” which is absolutely preposterous. It’s pretty horrible.

was occupied couple of days in (just thinking about) filing Taxes… and Done!

I wonder if I could have claimed any thing related to BS… probably not… excessive driving, overworking on applications, eating out on the road, etc. Other than school fundraisers is there anything to claim? :frowning:

@payn4ward - Nothing that I know of. When it comes to college, there are a few things, if you qualify. I guess the BS contigent isn’t big enough to get its lobbying done in DC. :wink: