Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Rooming assignments just came out! I believe I am way more excited than he is…

Oh, by the way, your child will be at a school within 10 miles of a nuclear power plant. Sign this form juuuuusssssttt iiinnnn caaasssseee we need to give them some KI. Gee, thanks, school, for giving me something else to worry about.

Since some Duke students won’t read “Fun Home”, I will. About halfway through already…great graphic novel, compelling story, artfully told.

SevenDad, go see the show! It’s really, really good.

@gusmom2000, good luck to your son at Hill- feel free to contact me if you have any questions. Hoping schedules come out today!!!

@Bulldogs1 I actually DO have a question… (A really stupid one, too) On Sunday, check in, the schedule says Academic Casual. Does that apply to parents, too? I’d hate to be kicked off campus for for showing up in jeans… :stuck_out_tongue:

No questions are stupid!! Most parents will be dressed down as they will be helping with move in and running from meeting to meeting.

No one’s going to kick you off campus, @gusmom2000 – you have the bourbon! :slight_smile:

As noted on another thread, I wore cargo shorts and a polo shirt to most BS (and one college!) move-ins. According to my kids, cargos are “out” right now…but I appreciated the storage. You never know when you’re going to need a granola bar or Leatherman tool on move-in day.

^So my husband isn’t the only one to wear cargo shorts? Those pockets do come in handy. You can’t fit much into those hipster, skinny pants and shorts.

People actually put things in those pockets? Tried doing it once and it just felt awkward… Then started to assume they weren’t utilitarian in purpose.

Hmmmmm…Cargo shorts? Lots of pockets? I could just wear my scout uniform! I’m sure THAT would go over well with the spawn. (I’ve already got the “stop being so annoying” request, and we haven’t even left yet.)

I only have one pair of cargo shorts, and try to use them mostly as “work” shorts…for doing stuff around the house/yard, BS/College move-ins/move-outs. At the recent inaugural college move-in, my younger daughter was teasing me about the shorts (#basicdad) and so I took a photo of another dad in cargos while walking back from parking in a long-term lot. Cargo dads unite!

Seriously, I find them useful for certain applications. I lent another dad a screwdriver (the tool, not the drink) over the weekend and simply popped it in a pocket when he gave it back. You can fit a bank-size money envelope (“now this has to last you a month, honey”) in the side pockets almost perfectly.

Note that at BS move-ins, I generally wore a collared shirt (like a polo) so I could attend the parents meeting with some semblance of semi-formality. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I hear it’s going to be a hot weekend here in the Mid-Atlantic, so if I was moving a kid in…I’d definitely be wearing shorts or lightweight/breathable hiking pants. Best of luck to all new BS parents.

I like the idea of you keeping the drink kind of screwdriver in one of those cargo pcokets, @SevenDad . :smiley:

It would give @gusmom2000 somewhere to stash that flask full of whiskey.

I can guarantee you that if you wear cargo pants/shorts to move-in, you will by no stretch of the imagination be the least fashionable parent there. :slight_smile:

I usually wear overalls… so, I’m winning that prize

The good part about wearing clothing that is “out” is that, if you keep wearing it, it will be back “in” soon enough. Well, that’s been my m.o. anyway! :slight_smile:

…like high waisted jeans? yikes

If I have any say, those will NEVER come back. :slight_smile:

High waisted jeans are back! Blech. Do they look good on anyone? Went shopping with my D last week. So much of the current fashion is retro 70s and 80s right now.