Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Yay! Life Scout! I so want my kid to at least get his Eagle proposal submitted before he leaves, but I fear I am dreaming. (He did do his OA Ordeal this weekend, so he got that done before he leaves.) Sigh. His packing is a giant pile in a little used room. But then, we don’t leave for 18 days, so plenty of time! :slight_smile:

Getting ready to drop 7D1 (college) & 7D2 (Masters, the school, not the degree) off the last weekend of the month. Damn that annual BTS (and remember, we have most of the high-ticket items already since they are both seasoned BS-ers) shopping trip is expen$ive!

In other news, everyone should go see “Straight Outta Compton”…especially if you are a parent who went to college in the early 90s. Even more so if you still have an NWA CD in your collection.

It’s rated R, but I would still recommend it for teens — with the caveat that if you wouldn’t listen to the music with your kids, you probably shouldn’t see the movie with them either. Those of you kids who are over 18, though…get off CC and go buy your tix now.

DS2 wants to see … Compton… he is still 13 yrs old… wth, I will probably take him.

@gusmom2000 Yes, Ordeal! DS did his Ordeal in late May. I did survive the week-long summer camp with two cold showers. The scouts NEVER took showers thanks to water shortage (and water pipe break and boiler problems.) I wasn’t going to give up my, once in two days, 3 minute cold shower.

You do realize that not being 17 (not 18) does not stop most teens from seeing a R-rated movie if they so desire, right? :slight_smile:

@skieurope: Wait, kids flout MPAA/CARA film ratings??? (Sorry for the error on the age cutoff…that goes to show how damn old I am!). Impossible!

Seriously…stop moderating and go see the movie! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

"…especially if you are a parent who went to college in the early 90s. "


Does grad school count? :))

What’s Compton? Guess I’d better go look this one up.

Compton is a city in Los Angeles County. It is in “South Los Angeles”. “Straight out of Compton” is a major motion picture release.

The movie title is also a reference to the debut album by NWA released in the late 80s which is considered to be a breakthrough album in the “gangsta rap” genre that kicked off the whole West Coast hip hop/rap scene. Their first album was titled “Straight Outta Compton”.

Both criticized for profanity/violence and widely acclaimed for its groundbreaking nature at the time of its release. Some of the top hip hop/rap names (Ice Cube, Dr Dre) had a hand in its making.

How many CC BS Parents/kids are like “Who knew 7Dad was so OG” right now?

BTW, for some reason, I jumped on a few threads in the Prep School Cafe today…check 'em out if you have time.

“NWA?” “OG?” Brother, I’m just going back into the cave, blow out the candles, and take a nap.

@SevenDad I’m a creature of habit - Sundays are movie days. :slight_smile: Although I broke tradition and saw Straight Outta Compton on Saturday. Not a movie I’d see with the 'rents.

@ChoatieMom http://www.urbandictionary.com is your friend. :wink:

Groovy, @skieurope . Thanks.

I was dragged to Mission Impossible with DH and FormerChoatieKid Saturday night (way past my bedtime). Must say I prefer Spencer Tracy movies.

Kudos to @SevenDad for fighting the good fight in the café.

No Urban Dictionary required for appreciating Jason Segel in “End of the Tour”, playing David Foster Wallace.

Wallace gave the 2005 Kenyon commencement speech: a liberal arts education is not just for learning “how” to think critically – “what” you use your freedom of choice to cogitate upon, every single day of your life, after graduation, will keep your sanity and lead you to be a better person.

Is that the This is Water speech? Our teachers had us listen to that during the final couple days of the school year, very helpful and eye-opening.

In case anyone wants to read the DFW graduation speech (that became the small book “This is Water”):


Wow. Heavy! Not quite sure how to take that last sentence:

“your education really IS the job of a lifetime. And it commences: now.
I wish you way more than luck.”