Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

The last movie I saw at a drive in was a double feature: “They Only Shoot Horses, Don’t They” followed by “Goodbye, Mr. Chips” ( or was it “The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie”.

Not a whole lotta laughs that night.

(Am I dating myself?)

We loved sitting on the roof of the car to eat our KFC - which we leaned over to retrieve through the car window.

The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie!!! LOVE that one. Now THERE’s a private school story that made headlines. Assassin!

@doschicos: Where are there still drive-ins? I haven’ seen one in decades. How cool for your family.

Speaking of KFC…that falls into the category of food that I love that my wife loathes (nothing against fried chicken in moderation, but KFC as an establishment). She is also anti-Taco Bell.

It isn’t the same if you don’t have to crane your neck trying to liven to a speaker hanging off one side of the car. :smiley:

I must admit that I share a guilty pleasure with FormerCK – Burger King! DH is utterly appalled. I love the feeling when kiddo and I are sharing fries and flame-broiled burgers; one of us will inevitably say, “Don’t tell dad!” and then we’ll laugh like hyenas.

Some BSs occasionally show movies outside… and not on a sheet suspended between two trees either! It’s a fairly elaborate and expensive operation… I remember someone telling me that entertainment companies ( like the ones BSs hire for their groovy dances- haha ) are now doing it for a special outdoor activity during the Spring. Must be nice! I want to go to BS!!

The first movie I saw on a BS campus (indoors during 4th form year ) was The Red Balloon… followed by A Clockwork Orange.

I loved The Red Balloon but A Clockwork Orange freaked me out a little bit.


friendlymom: There are many possible reasons your friends are not seriously considering UC – ranging from the arguable bias against privileged kids from private schools to the fact that UC admissions is a crap shoot. [That’s craps as in dice, moderators.] Your friends may be getting same advice from their schools’ college counselors that we got: UC pays no attention to recommendations, and you’re competing against applicants with equal or better grades from schools that might not have been as challenging. D was accepted at Harvard, Dartmouth & Georgetown; Berkeley wanted to defer her to a spring admission. A couple of others also pointed out the financial aid factor. We would have received diddly from Berkeley, but Harvard & Dartmouth both offered enough to make their price (apart from plane tickets) essentially the same as what Berkeley would have cost. Not a hard choice for us.

I remember being in my PJ’s in the back of our station wagon during “True Grit.”

This thread has a topic?!?

@AboutTheSame Give us some credit. :slight_smile:

@ChoatieMom - There are actually several in my state. Here’s a list I found online - even one in @SevenDad’s state in case he’s looking for something to do this weekend. There must be more than this because the one we go to isn’t even on the list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_drive-in_theaters

No more speakers. Just tune into an FM station, so the sound is as good as whatever your cat stereo system is.

@PhotographerMom : What BS activities committee would pair The Red Balloon with Clockwork Orange (going for a color theme maybe?)–the movie that ruined Singing in the Rain for me forever. My friends and I saw it in college and it freaked me out so badly my boyfriend (now classicalpapa, perhaps because of this night) had to come over, lie on the couch with me, and tell me silly stories from his childhood until dawn.

Sounds like you owe Clockwork Orange a big thank you, @classicalmama. How sweet of classicalcollegeboy now classicalpapa.

Huge applause to Stanley Kubrick making the forum!
… we still have drive in here… Deweykid 2 saw Fury Road on top of our car this summer…that seemed… fitting… a lot of fun film theory classes over the years… but before that… was a showing of Night of the Living Dead in high school, just… for fun… never been the same

Slight change of topic, but anyone but me see Rocky Horror Picture Show way too many times at midnight in your errant youth?

Our local drive-in is showing the double feature od Grease/Smokey and the Bandit this weekend. I’m trying to talk gusdad into taking me, but…I don’t think it’s going to happen. And, I have lived a sheltered life, because I have never seen, in it’s entirety, the Rocky Horror Picture Show. I am, however, a proud graduate of Transylvania University. :slight_smile:

Yep, RHPS was a Cinema Guild staple every Saturday night at Michigan. Cost 75 cents. Good times.

My 14-year-old went to RHPS for a friend’s birthday party. He thought it was heaven.

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