Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@gusmom2000 I would totally go with you. Two great drive-in movies!

Never seen RHPS, but would also go to the Grease/Smoky double feature.

I saw RHPS again a couple of years ago. What were we thinking?

I saw RHPS for the first time a couple of years ago. I’m not sure if it is one of those American things that just doesn’t translate across the pond or the age of the film, but I failed to see what the excitement was all about.

It doesn’t translate well across the ocean of time.

Say it ain’t so…I fear Grease might not wear well either. Tell me more, tell me more… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXlnMveRt-Y

But @skieurope, it was really all about the campiness…the costumes…and everyone in the audience knowing all the lines…and it being midnight after an evening of carousing around. RHPS was an event more than a film.

“… stranded at the drive-in. Branded a fool. What will they say, Monday at school…”

One of the enduring humiliations of my adolescent years is that my parents wouldn’t let me go to the midnight showing of RHPS and all my friends could.

I first saw RHPS around 35 years ago when I coerced one of our dorm parents in BS to take a group of us to a midnight showing in a small city 30 minutes away. We also got him to do a McDonald’s run for us after dorm check-in one time. It was a HUGE order. Thinking back, he was a super cool guy.

@skieurope it is basically about embracing the bad story/acting/etc… And having fun with it. It really became more about the joining in vs. the film having any merit at all. :slight_smile:

“Beauty school dropout…” That’s me. If I had a nickel for every time one of my friends sang that to me, I wouldn’t be hanging on CC.

I LOVE that movie, and the title song was written by my heartthrob, Barry Gibb. Oh no, my heart’s racing and I’m too old for that…

Every kid in my 3rd grade class was obsessed with Grease. When I saw it as an adult (and a mom) I couldn’t believe our parents let us see it at that age!

3rd grade!!! @friendlymom, you’re killing me.

@friendlymom, I agree! Though these are different, more politically correct times…but it is nearly as appalling as some Disney princess films are (like Snow White being chased through the woods by the wicked queen-and picture a bunch of gnomes running around-disturbing!). Grease is still a favorite even if I now view it as a bit racy. I always regretted not getting around to seeing RHPS when I was in college-the audience participation piece sounded like a riot. Debbie Does Dallas or whatever one of those classic porn flicks was also shown at my U-and while most of the football players in my dorm did see it, I did not. And I don’t regret it. just sayin’. Not sure why I mentioned it.

@classicalmama - It’s so nice to have you back! My fourth form English teacher was the female version of Donald Sutherland’s character in Animal House. I remember regularly pumping dimes into a payphone after her class…

Mom… Dad…

ah… payphone… things of past… with a casette player and numerous casette recordings (playlists) for long drives.

I remember our family car having an 8 track stereo. There were a very limited number of tapes, and the long vacation road trips were torture…

A hundred bottles of beer on the wall, a hundred bottles of beer…

I spy with my little eye