Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Super Moderators know EVERYTHING!

@cameo43 I actually knew that. :slight_smile: For some reason, my mind collects useless info.

Toothpaste (just a dab will do ya) also cleans up scratched wristwatch faces.

@AboutTheSame, I have a feeling that your feelings about toothpaste are similar to mine about Neosporin - the great cure-all!

@friendlymom You better believe it. I would never travel without those two essentials.

@friendlymom, You might consider switching to plain old Vaseline for the sake of all the antibiotic-resistant bacteria out there. My belief is that chicken soup cures all physical woes and brownies cure all others. :slight_smile:

@friendlymom and @AbouthTheSame - I never travel without duct tape, the stuff is amazing!

Gotta say, my 9th-grader was playing the Meatloaf song (“Hot Patootie”?) from RHPS in her playlist cycle. Brought back memories. I think it was reprised on “Glee” or something like that.

The campiness of RHPS on a big screen with a live audience? How could that NOT translate? Perhaps @skieurope saw it on the little screen. If it is still playing at midnight at the Exeter theatre in Back Bay (Boston), and you get the chance, maybe try it out again? Great audience participation there!

Not only is it not playing at the Exeter theatre, the Exeter has been closed for decades.

But it is still playing on the big screen in NYC with full audience participation, where I saw it. I still didn’t get it. :slight_smile:

I didn’t get Monty Python and the Holy Grail until about the fourth viewing. Keep at it, ski. You’re bright; it’ll come to you eventually.

Now that was a good movie!!


I have to agree with ski on this one. While I found a few parts of RHPS entertaining, I think those probably added up to a total of about 20 minutes. I could not (and still don’t ) understand how people can sit through that whole film. Especially in costume. :wink:

Holy Grail definitely became funnier to me as I got older. Life of Brian, OTOH, was falling in the theater aisle funny from the first view. I grew up in a very Catholic home, and my Mom insisted on taking us to see it so we could discuss it as a family together–God bless her–but my sister and I snuck off to a different part of the theater so we could laugh uncensored.

What have the Romans ever done for us?

Every sperm is sacred…

RHPS is only entertaining at midnight with a pile of friends in an old movie theater. It’s freak of nature entertainment. I don’t think anyone, anywhere, ever thought the film itself was any good.

Do you think that Tim Curry, Susan Sarandon, and Barry Bostwick still list RHPS on their resume? Or did they behave like George Clooney, Chris O’Donnell and the rest of the cast of Batman & Robin and grab the Wite-Out the minute production wrapped?

I seriously consider it one of my finest parenting achievements that all three of my kids think that the Holy Grail is the funniest movie ever made. And they quote extensively and often from the Princess Bride. I may have screwed many things up as a parent, but whatever else happens, at least I have this…

Huge Princess Bride fans here–both the movie and the book (it was actually the last book I read out loud to my boys…though my oldest kept stealing it to read ahead). :slight_smile:


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