Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@skieurope I have no doubt that especially Barry Bostwick is still talking up RHPS. Except for Megaforce, RHPS is surely the high point in Bostwick’s career. Tim Curry had a wide-ranging career as an actor and singer and probably had a blast doing that dumb movie.

The new RHPS for the 21st century is Tommy Wiseau’s The Room. The Room is a sloppy and bizarre artifact of mental illness sublimed onto film and amazingly has enjoyed a revival as existential comedy + audience participation. Certainly worth a look if you like it weird, and it is entertaining in its own way.

I’m thinking that some of Wes Anderson’s creations may end up competing for the new RHPS in a more cerebral vein.

@ChoatieMom Have you seen The Room? That’s some sick stuff there, and it’s the audience that turned it into camp goofiness with the spoons and whatnot. 10+ years later, Tommy Wiseau claims he was in on the joke the whole time, but there’s no way…

No, I haven’t seen that one.

Just wanted to thank everyone who took time out of their day to send me a message. On a good day, I usually get hate mail so this was unexpected and very nice. :slight_smile: I’m totally kidding about the hate mail… Ok - maybe some hate mail but I enjoyed those messages, too.

Carry on and have fun. I’ll be back soon and thanks again.

"One piece of advice that I’ve given her is not to stress too much about having to get into one particular college…Just because it’s not some name-brand, famous, fancy school doesn’t mean that you’re not going to get a great education there.”

  • President Obama, on his advice to older daughter and current high school senior, Malia.


See, it’s not just me espousing this POV (with respect to BS and College)…

Good for him. (though I’d be pretty sure she’s going to get in anywhere she applies, especially Princeton)

^^^ triple negative? making for a weak affirmative.

Have to agree, and now will pay special attention to where she ends up, which would not have been on my radar except for this publicity.

Googled: Bush twins went to UT Austin and Yale, though should have been enrolled before the 2000 election.
Chelsea Clinton. check
Amy Carter. more interesting; Memphis College of Art

Actually, she started at Brown

I will bet money on her (Malia) choosing Stanford.

My kid texted me and said he was siting next to one of her Secret Service agents at lunch in the Yale dining hall last spring…just cynical me, just sayin’ I’m not seeing too many generics on her shopping list.

@soxmom: I’m sure she’ll get in everywhere she applies…

@charger78: I edited the quote, so it was not originally a triple neg…where there is an ellipse were the words “Mr. Obama told a group that included high school students in Des Moines last month.”

@classicalmama: I’m sure you are right…but it was nice to see the President pay some lip service to not getting hung up on either one particular college or name-brand ones.

I have a friend who’s son sat next to her for the SAT’s! That must have been interesting.

EHS and Sidwell Friends are in the ISL conference and regularly compete against one another. You know the POTUS’ children are on campus and competing (Volleyball, Tennis, and Track) when you see a line of Black Suburbans parked outside the athletic center.

Obama family has a long tradition of attending the “best” schools they could reach. Unless they can find a compelling reason why UC Berkeley is a better school than Stanford, which I don’t see that happening, Stanford should win Malia over. As for the president’s talk, he’s just saying “don’t fall in love with ONE school” and prepare for the “worst” because worst comes worst you still get a good education.

Berkeley is way more fun & interesting than Palo Alto.

I expected a :slight_smile: after your statement. The Bay Area residents voted with their millions poured on Palo Alto real estate properties! :slight_smile:

You’ll never go broke betting on the stupidity of real estate buyers. I’ll take my rather modest home in the Berkeley Hills over a mega-mansion in strip mall land any day, :wink:

You mean this “mega-mansion”?