Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Actually, I believe the usual policy is that you have to work at the school for 5 years before the tuition benefit kicks in. (This is the case for the schools I’m familiar with and the one I worked at. Otherwise, just imagine how many parents would be applying for those open positions!)

Oh well… Still might be fun to work at a school…:slight_smile:

It is! Absolutely. You can’t help but absorb some of the wonderful energy that you are surrounded by on a BS campus!

I gave serious thought to applying for the position running the disciplinary system at Dartmouth. Of course, kid [emerging adult] is now back on the west coast, so that would have been uber stupid.

The B&B innkeeper sounds good too. Plus uber driver (those expensive charter rates!)
Or a food shack - take-out/delivery or even a food truck. There are myriads of options come to think of it. :))

Funny to see everybody contemplating working on campus. The thought has crossed my mind also. :slight_smile:

The energy is infectious, and I’m definitely more than a little envious.

Pretty weird considering how much I didn’t like high school the first time around (of course I think I would have felt differently had I been exposed to places like these …).

Just to add my two sense on Chamber Ensemble point – lived in Princeton for many years… Socioeconomic point is a good one, but at least the local public schools in Princeton offer chamber ensemble (before school) and the Princeton High School Orchestra is very,very good and travels all over the world – of course, the competition and shenanigans that go to get a seat in the orchestra is a whole different story …

I hope AOs are astute at analyzing applications within the whole context of background, etc… While we are fortunate to be able to pay full freight, we sincerely believe our DS is better served by being engaged in a diverse community on as many fronts as possible.

We was recently at an admissions event for one of the school’s we are considering and there were a number of number of kids (and some parents) from low income and disadvantaged backgrounds — my DS was talking to one of the kids and the kid was amazed that we had actually visited Cate and Thacher (we live in East Coast)… This kid said he would be able to visit and hoped he would for revisits – I was also struck how many of their parents could not attend because of work – all this things are “advantages” that my son takes for granted (or rather does not even consider) – does this mean the kids will not get in – in most cases, I hope not – but there is certainly a difference when your parents (or at least one) can take to visit the schools, stay overnight and experience the area … I also don’t think these “advantages” mean my son will be admitted – don’t have a crystal ball

Lastly on laundry service, if DS is fortunate to attend one of these fine BS – “top or not”

My baby either broke or dislocated his wrist during a tackle tonight. If I leave now, I can be ther by 6 a.m. Eh, if I WAS there, I’d probably just be laughing at him. Sigh.

@gusmom2000 I’m sorry! This is a very hard thing. Hope he heals quickly!

It’s not broken! Yay!!!

Glad to hear it gusmom - hope he heals quickly.

@ChoatieMom The B&B near Choate’s campus (The Victorian Inn) is up FOR SALE!!! There’s your chance at a dream retirement…

Oh, don’t tempt me! I’m holding out for the Sally Hart Lodge, though.

I can see it now… Fawlty Towers in Connecticut. :wink:

@london203 thinks my camera looks like a turtle. How’s that for a Miscellaneous Ramblings post?

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

I don’t see a turtle but I’ve always thought that @mathmom’s avatar looks like a Sneetch.

The other day, I saw in a catalog luggage printed with a photo of a mother polar bear and her twin cubs. I was tempted.
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you and your cubs!

I forgot about the turtle! This made my day.

I can clearly see the turtle :slight_smile:
But then I also see a teddy bear. :))