Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@payn4ward I think as long as you turn in other forms, you can get away with summer physical. We usually go in August and then fax the form and they haven’t locked her out of her room yet!

P4WD–NMH parent here as well. I believe you are only expected to fill out the other forms (A-D i believe?) prior to 3/18 deadline. The physical, etc can be done over the summer as that’s when we do it as well and never had an issue.

My 17 yo had a physical last week and I asked about this. They see kids through college. If your child had a physical last summer send that paperwork and update it when you get a new one.

I kept going to pediatrician in college, until I got chickenpox after a visit on Christmas vacation and was sooo sick during freshman year exams in January! Had to take exams in infirmary with high fever. Glad there is a vaccine now but there wasn’t in 1988!

Thank you @CroissantMiser @chemmchimney! I did the rest of forms and sent the deposit check so hope they hold his room :slight_smile:
Last year’s physical was in June and I sent the medical forms afterward so I am going to do the same.

My kids’ pediatrician had them switch around the time of transitioning from high school to college. I think once people reach the age of 18 or so, it’s good to see an adult doctor. At this stage, both my kids got same sex PCPs that they could speak freely to about their bodies/sex lives/whatever.

After our beloved pediatrician was sent to jail for a bizarre self-kidnapping/gambling incident when ChoatieToddler was two, we just switched him to our PCP. Now you guys have me wondering what happened to that guy. Have to go Google…

That sip of hot tea felt awesome coming out of my nose.

I’m still laughing at “Choatie Toddler” !!

@ChoatieMom had me laughing. But so did my mental image of @PhotographerMom hiding in the corner taking picture of BS boys zumbaing at college dances. ;).

And don’t forget @classicalmama’s description of rowers:

I’m still laughing at that one.

Wow. This is what happened to our pediatrician:


Thanks for making me look that up. I’ve often thought about him after writing one of those letters to the judge. I’m so happy he was able to return to a practice of helping people. He really was an outstanding pediatrician.

Carry on.

Got our re-enrollment contracts yesterday. Anyone need a kidney? And, I’ll be have either rice and beans or ramen (still) for every meal for the foreseeable future. 8-}

My kids still see their Pediatrician… She’s from India and she’s great. When she sticks my kids with a needle she’ll always ask, Did that hurt? and when they answer “Yes” she’ll say “Good”. I love her… She said we can stay thru college :). I love how she grabs the boys by the cheek and leaves a mark , You’re such a big boy- just look at you!

OMG- the dancing thing. Too funny. When K2 told me that over the phone, I was cracking up because I’ve seen BS boys dance ( at BS ) and the college girls may have a point! I’m just surprised no one was hurt!

When we made a video for K2’s BS graduation, the intro was K2 dancing to this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=foL6eZzvzHo at a family gathering. One of my brothers captured the moment on his cell phone and it was epic so he saved it.

K1 and K2 had helped us get ready for company by cutting grass, washing patio furniture and so on so my husband offered them both a cold beer ( like his dad used to do after a hot Saturday spent doing chores ) and once the party was in full swing this song came on ( like it always does… ) and K2 started dancing and cleared the patio…

My husband leans into me and said, Wow… so Cotillion was a total waste of time… Maybe we should start locking the liquor cabinet ?

K2 - completely oblivious and sober, I might add ( my husband was kidding ) … was just killing it . And, I mean killing it in his ripped shirt, pink shorts and beat up Timberland boots w/ no laces or socks. Of course, he didn’t shower or change before the party! BS boys don’t bathe! That would be totally CRAZY!! Thank God it was just family ( we have a very large family) and a few close family friends… My poor father holding a martini : What is your young man doing? I think he’s dancing, dad…

But it was definitely a good look… and one that will surely haunt him for the rest of his life because we have the video!

Oh, and @Classicalmama nailed it! A friend with a son at Bucknell sent me a pic of their Crew team Spring Training t- shirt. It said:


( Of course, you are ) LOL. :wink:

@PhotographerMom I wish there was an option to click “love” on your post.

First full day of “Spring” and there will be 4-7" of snow. &^%&#^&^@#!!!

I have learned that Yik Yak is the way to helicopter my cadet (well, the whole corps really). May have to retract my comments about “peering” on that other thread. Mwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!!!

The Sec’y of Defense spoke at the academy today, and I was able to “listen” to all the private comments made while the brief was going on. Those kids are wicked funny:

“So, am I going to North Korea or not?”

“What did he say? I was busy studying the inside of my eyelids in the back.”

“Yes, cadets shouldn’t have fallen asleep, but no that does not mean the cameras should be on asleep cadets when the SecDef is speaking. Especially when your reporters on playing on their phones.”

“With every passing day here I have increasingly less faith in the admissions process.”

“Sec’y: Asia has experienced 70 years of peace thanks to American influence.
(Well, yeah, that kind of thing tends to happen when you drop two nukes.)”

“Secy: Conflict will always be where the people are, on land, not on water.”

“So basically the SecDef brief was about how Navy is useless…something we already knew…”

“So we can shut down Navy now and give us all their money right?”

“Would have focused more on the brief but that mess hall food was fighting to get out.”

And on and on. It was like being a fly on the wall.

Thank heaven for Miscellaneous Ramblings. Thanks, @SevenDad.

(P.S. I sure hope ChoatieCadet was too busy paying attention to be on the Yak. Right, ChoatieCadet?)

LOVE!!! LOL- Thankfully I wasn’t drinking anything this time!!


I was reminded recently of this thread. Since it is “re-visit season”, I took some time out this morning to re-visit some of the incredibly fun posts herein. I daresay there are some people who would deem this thread frivolous, that is exactly what makes it excellent. There is so much negativity in the world. I love that there is a thread where laughing is encouraged. Start at the beginning…

Laughing is also encouraged as GoatMama and her kid begin their journey from the untamed savage lands of the South to the Northeast civilization. Considering that GoatMama’s doctor has discouraged the journey, praying (if you are of the praying type) is also appropriate. Equipped with coats, Google maps, and Yankee phrase books, we are fierce, and we shall overcome! May your Sunday be peaceful.