Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

@AboutTheSame: You’re back!

I have never done that. BUT, I have taken to dipping fries in cocktail sauce (horseradish/ketchup) as of late, after going to a restaurant that served cocktail sauce with a steak. While one might associate cocktail sauce with seafood (raw or cooked), it was pretty darn good on a steak.

@SevenDad : I never went away. Just wasn’t coming to this thread. Try sriracha sauce if you really want to jolt (or numb) your taste buds.

@AboutTheSame, I heard McDonald’s in Japan launched fries drizzled with chocolate sauce …

No no no. Not the same thing at all. It’s the different textures and temperatures and whatever that make it all worthwhile. Okay. I have just destroyed my credibility (such as it was) on this forum. Maybe it’s a genetic thing. My niece (on the other side of the country whom I have not seen in years) and I agree on this taste treat. :slight_smile:

I’ve never had a milkshake but when I do get around to it, I shall order fries as well …

If not 70’s Bee Gees, not really disco. :stuck_out_tongue:

No, No, No @ChoatieMom and @SevenDad - Sadly, you’re both wrong.

This is without question THE BEST DISCO SONG of all time: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyUk5RrKfUs

Remind me to tell you about the time when K2 secretly changed my ringtone to this song and kept calling me… while I was visiting him Parents Weekend at his BS.

I love KC and this IS the best disco song EVER but not coming from my cell while I’m sitting with other parents and faculty. Three years later, I only find it MILDLY amusing… and that’s a stretch. He keeps doing it.


I know I’m going out on a limb here but I’m pretty sure most parents waiting for M10 aren’t interested in cocktails made with ice cream . ( Just a hunch ). I’m definitely on board ( big surprise ) but they’re probably not. Maybe on M11 or M12 but not on M9.

For M9, I highly recommend Gin. Lots and lots of Gin. Preferably in tall glasses ( straight out of the freezer ) with a little bit of tonic and A LOT of lime.

Straws are optional and umbrellas are always festive.

Good luck tomorrow, Everyone!!

Love me some KC and the Sunshine Band!

go beyond, and go to school . . . “September”

I had not slept well M10s last three years because I woke up and checked emails/portals on phone/ipad every hour through the night as decisions trickled in. I was happy to get an anxiety-free M10 finally!

Now this year, I stayed up to watch AlphaGo Match (human vs computer Go game match) for two nights live stream.
I don’t play Go so don’t understand what’s going on much but it is pretty interesting though.


Not sure why BSs don’t follow the colleges lead and release decisions after 5 pm when school day is over - or on Fridays. (Rationale colleges use is kids will not be distracted at school and family/support can be near when decisions come in.)

My kids (one in middle school and one at BSl) are on vacation this week - very nice to get decisions and process before going back to school. Fridays are tough because if there is a glitch it can take the weekend to fix. No ideal time.

@ChoatieMom , can I borrow some of those new recipes you had time to perfect while paying for bs? Like maybe the ones for rice or beans? I am trying so hard to let fit, ds’ revisit impressions etc lead to choosing the right school, rather than cost. OUCH!

Overheard at a recent College Formal : Why do all BS boys dance like they’re in Zumba Class?

E-mail rec’d “I am writing to let you know that the re-enrollment packets for the 2016-17 school year that we mailed on March 1st were never delivered to you by the postal service.”

Phew. I was beginning to think they didn’t want my kid back next year… (also makes me wonder who screwed up)

@gusmom2000 Make a suggestion to the school. This kind of thing should’ve gone online a long time ago!

I found ours in SPAM folder.

They want the physician’s medicals sent by March 18th. Usually I take boys to doctor during summer as they are summer babies. So I am quietly ignoring it.
When do you take your children for annuals?
When do they stop seeing the pediatrician who came to the hospital after delivery?

It is getting a little embarrasing to get a candy after exam although the boys still like the lollipops.

Our pediatrician is now seeing patients until age 23! We usually go in June. March seems awfully early to require forms for the next year!

Ours stopped at 18, but they took her one time after that when it was urgent. After that, D was able to go to a doctor in the same practice as her mom’s PCP & her own at college as she shuttled back and forth between California and the Blue Shield Away From Home Care.

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