Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

EHS recently brought in a company and students to discuss Gap Year choices. I was amazed at the number of options and opportunities. My fear has always been DS would take a year off, get too relaxed, surf all day - watch SpongeBob at night, and lose momentum. Not so. In fact, students shared how a Gap Year helped them recharge and better understand where and what to study in college. After learning about what a Gap Year entails, we are all in.

DW and I will fully support DS if he chooses a Gap Year. The company noted that many colleges view a Gap Year favorably. Some, like Harvard, encourage students in their acceptance letter to take a Gap Year. Unfortunately USNA and West Point, DS’s top choices, are not crazy about Gap Years.

@ChoatieMom here’s a link to the same company that presented at EHS. They also provide Gap Year opportunities for adults! Sign me up!!


Why do some posters icons look like they are in jail? Curiosity and all…

I think they violated terms of service some way and are in jail for a week or two.

@gusmom2000: For telling the truth? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Note that, technically, I think even discussing the actions/decisions of CC admins (the people who “jail” posters) is prohibited. At the very least, frowned upon.

Interesting. I saw two today, and I had never seen it before. Just a little surprising. :slight_smile:

That’s a hoot! @GMTplus7 is “in jail”?!!? I just had never made that connection before with her poster icon these past week/s (not to mention in previous years).

Shouldn’t there be conditions attached to “probation”? Which is the only way I could characterize one who is behind bars, yet still allowed to post. Like, GMT can only post before dark, else her “ankle bracelet” symbol will activate an ochre alert by beeping and flashing on the masthead by our poster names. We’d all be instantly deputized and the first to the scene could delete the offending post!

@Charger78 …do you think the admins can tell if we are drinking wine when posting?!? That might explain a lot of “jailed” posters ; )

We need a CC breathalyzer.

@ChoatieMom - no fun in that!

Really?? I was wondering why a few were that way. At the risk of being jailed myself, I think there’s s bit of self-aggrandizing going on here.

Never been jailed. Been “warned” and placed on probation (and may be again, since revealing that probably violates one TOS or another). I’ve usually been in the wrong: an overly (shall we say) negative response or something that should have been phrased less personally. I don’t necessarily like the oversight, but (a) this is not a 1st Amendment venue [hmmm: I need to think about that but I;m not about to make a ruckus] and (b) you have to admit that the discourse here is a lot more civil than a lot of other sites – most of which I refuse to visit or at least refrain from reading the comments.

I didn’t know about the jailed avatar. Neat. I am sure it is only a matter of time I get mine.

FYI, asking “What do jail bars mean?” is a valid and does not violate Terms of Service. Saying “I can’t believe the moderator put me in jail” is not allowed.

Well, I’m a mod, not an admin, but in this forum, I always assume it’s 5:00 somewhere and that the wine has been flowing. :slight_smile:

We don’t necessarily need wine to sound like this. :slight_smile:

I am feeling bad for @gmtplus7… That brand new avatar all covered up…and before I could even compliment it!

Yesterday at 5:04 pm
We need a CC breathalyzer

Can’t post until you’ve had a few. This place would liven right up!! :slight_smile:

You can always tell when I’ve had a few. Like when I told the kid who asked if he could take his pet to BS, “if you convert him to mittens first.” Yeah, I’m going with that. Wine, wine is the problem with my posts.

GMT is leaving us!!!


Say it isn’t so. CC won’t be the same. :frowning:

How do we throw a CC Bon Voyage party?

Let’s dispense with discussing a user who may no longer be here; it’s a little too gossipy for this site. If you want to contact her to keep in touch, feel free to PM her. Several posts deleted.

Oh @skieurope…let us have our occasional moments of publicly wishing well one of the best members of this site!!