Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

Goodbye posts are not allowed, and I am not that naive to recognize that GMT’s post as linked above was a very thinly disguised goodbye. The moderator of that thread noticed it as well, and posted on that thread that any responses need to be handled by PM, which is CC policy, not just because that thread is a no-response thread. I’m just being consistent.

Additionally, while I recognize that she has a strong following here, I still find it too gossipy to talk about a member who is not here to join the discussion.

Please note that I am posting this note out of courtesy. Any further posts on this subject will be deleted. Per Terms of Service, discussion of moderator’s actions is not allowed here. If you have further questions, feel free to PM me.

Found this article interesting:


^Very unsettling. How prominent is this in BS culture? Do I even want to find out? While I’d like to see myself as a Good Parent, I may be a Clueless Parent.

Binge drinking is a definite issue on college campuses.

In my personal opinion based on what I’ve seen, although there will be some drinking at boarding school, I think it is less common than at public high school because the consequences (getting caught and disciplined) are higher and the access is more limited (less access to mom & dad’s stash, liquor stores with fake ids, etc).

I’m more worried about the hook-up culture…

Uh…? I admit I didn’t have the patience to read the article carefully, but tell me how “top colleges” and “fancy colleges” are introduced into a topic like binge drinking? Isn’t it just as bad if not worse a problem in the less fancy but more fun football colleges? Once you get into the habit of attribute every sin to parenting, it become a habit very hard to be

MY BABY IS LEAVING TOMORROW MORNING. BOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO. :frowning: (Summer was too short, a week of camp and then two weeks of pre season athletics is robbing me of the last month with my slave, er, uh, I mean son.) sniff sniff.

Oh no @gusmom2000 I feel your pain! I guess I’m lucky I still have a couple of weeks of “service” :wink:

We still have 3 more weeks of too much laundry, too much grocery shopping, too many giving rides to the gym (irony) etc…

That is early, but my friends in CA and the south have been posting back to school pics. DS comes home this weekend from his 6 week summer program and has about 3 weeks before he goes back to school. Time to work on college applications and one visit.

You guys are smart…I’ll ask you. I’m in the market for a Riddler blazer…the only thing I can find is a full cosplay outfit, shipped from China. Any thought? (Hey, the formal dress code just says blazer. It doesn’t say it has to be tasteful)

@gusmom2000 How about just finding a green blazer and pairing it with this tie?

@gusmom2000 Already? This is the real reason kids shouldn’t play football! :slight_smile:

I survived the first five days of an empty nest! - pass the whiskey @gusmom2000 :D/

The week on the vineyard went well and he is now safely deposited at pre-season football. (And thanks, @doschicos for the tie suggestion. It was a big hit!)

To change the topic drastically (as my mom is fond of saying)…how many parents here have been to a rock concert recently? I went to Prophets of Rage (trying to up my street cred with the students on the board) on Friday and was once again reminded that I am too damn old for this sort of thing.

I go to concerts and music festivals quite often.

I went to Pearl Jam a few weeks ago!

@SevenDad Sting/Peter Gabriel and the Zac Brown Band were just the right speed for DH and me, but prob zip street cred with the kids.

Dh and I went to Guns N’ Roses recently. I would have loved to see Pearl Jam or Sting/Peter Gabriel!
We had tickets to see 90sFest with Spin Doctors, DJ Jazzy Jeff, C&C Music Factory, etc but it was cancelled.