Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>First Concert: Adam Ant, solo tour in support of “Friend or Foe” album.</p>

<p>My first concert was Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers- it was the Damn the Torpedoes tour. I got sick on bottled pina colada.</p>

<p>Well, if we are going that route “Best Concert” is the natural progression.</p>

<p>First: Average White Band, 1975.</p>

<p>Best: Stones, Some Girls tour. Peter Tosh opened (and closed). Will Rogers Coliseum, 1978.</p>

<p>Peter Gabriel “So” 1986</p>

<p>My parents wouldn’t let me go to a Kiss concert but turned around and let me go to a Grateful Dead concert, go figure :cool:
Speaking of piercing, D13 came home from first term of BS with an extra hole in one ear. It seems she managed this new fashion statement with the help of her roommate supplied with ice cube and safety pin. I freaked out on her and forbid her to ever wear 3 earrings in front of me. Little does she know, I did the same thing my freshman year of college :eek:</p>

<p>The Police. The GoGo’s opened.</p>

<p>@classicalmama: I. Hate. You. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: But I take some consolation in having seen Squeeze open for INXS. In a general admission college field house.</p>

<p>I also saw Sting on his “Bring on the Night” tour (with Branford Marsalis), though. And still remember that when he sang “Roxanne” and the crowd sang along with him, he said “Shut up and let me sing it.”</p>

<p>I saw Elvis Costello for about 30 minutes until he told us all our manners were horrible (that’s not actually what he said of course, but CC would bleep it all out if I tried) and went home.</p>

<p>Best concert. Paul Simon, Graceland tour. Or Talking Heads, Stop Making Sense (Big Suit) tour. </p>

<p>A hidden advantage of going to a large state school instead of an Ivy: the great concerts you could get into for free once you figured out how to volunteer usher.</p>

<p>I too saw Elvis Costello…on that tour where he had a big wheel of chance with all his songs on it and invited audience members to come up to spin it to choose what song he’d play next. Very early on, a girl spun it and ended up with “Allison”, and Elvis moved the wheel one click and said “Not yet.” Great show.</p>

<p>Jethro Tull… I was a huge Ian-Anderson-as-woodsman-poet fan. My first concert was the “A” tour… shorn hair and a silver-white jumpsuit. Great music but I was soooooo disappointed!</p>

<p>I cannot think of anyone–even in the peak of that regrettable era–who I ever thought looked good in a jumpsuit.</p>

<p>Until my first job out of college, I had only been to one live concert ever – Beach Boys, lawn tickets, summer of '76. Fast forward to 1984. Boss, who knows me all too well, invites me and hubby to a concert, box seats, will pick up in limo, “surprise” performance. Thinking “symphony,” of course, we step out dressed to the nines (pearls and all). Limo drops us off backstage, we get up to the box, and I look out over a decidedly informal audience. Boss is cracking up at the look on my face. Had to suffer through two hours of Motley Crue. Not enough champagne on the face of the earth to make that palatable.</p>

<p>Cheer up choatiemom. It could have been worse. It could have been Whitesnake.</p>

<p>Whitesnake? Remember, Beach Boys and Mötley Crüe are the sum of my concert going and band knowledge. Except for The Bee Gees who I never got to see live. Really never listened to much popular music.</p>

<p>Leif Garrett was Justin Bieber of my time.
Cliff Richard was my mom’s J.B.</p>

<p>And dare I say Madonna was our Lady Gaga.
My favorite band back in the day was Genesis. DCs favorite band at the moment is Crystal Castles. No comparison! In fact I don’t call that singing. Opps, I just sounded like my mother.</p>

<p>I feel extremely fortunate that my children do not listen to terrible music. And I’ve seen a few of my things on their playlists on more than more occasion, like old Clash or the Ramones. There are a few bands that my daughter listens to that I simply can’t deal with, mostly what I refer to as “that electro-pop hipster dance sh**.” To quote one of my current favorites (and a great small venue live show) Frank Turner, “I still believe, in the need, for guitars and drums and desperate poetry.”</p>

<p>J Geils Band Christmas show at the Cape Cod Coliseum.</p>

<p>I don’t care for arena shows. I guess it’s all the chair that bother me. I like shows where everyone knows all the words and we dance down in front. I remember seeing Stevie Ray Vaughn at Audubon Park in about two feet of mud. So much fun. Ray Charles at Jazz fest was cool but it seemed like I was a million miles away in a sea of people. But at least I can say that I saw him live.</p>

<p>First concert: The Doobie Brothers at the Cape Cod Coliseum.</p>

<p>Best concert: hmmmm. A tie between The Police and a small concert in college by a little band called English Beat. </p>

<p>Biggest concert regret: never seeing Bob Marley in concert.</p>

<p>Still hoping to see: The Talking Heads. Seriously one of the best bands out there.</p>