Miscellaneous Life Ramblings

<p>payn4ward: I loved Leif Garret. <<swoon>> and I am guessing your mom might be British? Sir Cliff is decidedly unknown here… but is still doing it up big in Britain - they can’t seem to ban him at Christmas… LOL</swoon></p>

<p>london:I fell in love with my husband largely because he drove a really old MG with
English Beat playing full blast from the cassette deck. </p>

<p>Eric Clapton, 1985. Unforgettable. The Clash, Sandinista tour. And, in grad school, Michelle Shocked with Billy Bragg. </p>

<p>Dang, I really got out there back in the day…what happened to me?!</p>

<p>Talking Heads…love them. When I was in college this silly, annoying girl who lived in the apartment below me used to complain about my music being too loud (and this was mainly orchestral music). One day she left her apartment with a candle burning, her cat knocked it over, and I came home to fire trucks in my parking space. It was contained quickly and she was back in the apartment in a week. Every night at 10:05 for a week I played “burning down the house” at top volume. She was a generally nasty person so I didn’t feel bad when she moved.</p>

<p>@neato: AWESOME response. Something I would have done. :)</p>

<p>FYI: You can still see Dave Wakeling of The English Beat/General Public play these days. I have gone to 1 amazing performance of his, 1 okay one, and 1 not so good one. As the kids say, “‘Tenderness’ was my jam” back in the day.</p>

<p>@classicalmama. so jealous. You have NO IDEA. </p>

<p>The only thing (other than assigned seats in for seated meals) that my D complains about being in boarding school is missing concerts. I told her that she has about 50 more years concert going ahead of her, except for 15 - 20 years when her kids are too little. But boy does she get jealous when I go without her! I will admit, however, that I’m planning college visits around when our favorite bands are performing in the same towns. There’s a DC trip that will “conveniently” coincide with a Dr. Dog concert in March.</p>

<p>And you guys are great. There are tunes I had forgotten about that need to be downloaded ASAP. Of course, I used to own English Beat / General Public ON VINYL. I wonder what ever happened to those records?</p>

<p>Tenderness! I think I might have played that at full volume about 20 times… IN A ROW. Without stopping.</p>

<p>OMG! I just downloaded the entire All The Rage album. I had forgotten about some of these songs. Now I’m gonna spend the rest of the morning downloading UB40, Dexy’s Midnight Runners and Madness (Our House is still probably the best produced song ever)</p>

<p>I loved UB40 too! I’m now downloading. I’m snowed in today but will be shoveling with good tunes later :slight_smile:
BTW, has anyone been watching the Voice competition? I’ve never been a fan of these shows until now. I’m rooting for this sweet 16 year old named Jackie Lee. She reminds me of my D except my D can’t carry a tune. The final is tonight.</p>

[The</a> English Beat ? Doors of Your Heart - YouTube](<a href=“The English Beat — Doors of Your Heart - YouTube”>The English Beat — Doors of Your Heart - YouTube)</p>

<p>And this:
[yazoo</a> only you official video - YouTube](<a href=“yazoo only you official video - YouTube”>yazoo only you official video - YouTube)</p>

<p>Right now I’m loving the Scottish group called Chvrches and also this band I saw open for Dave Wakeling called the The Pinstripes.</p>

<p>Best concert: Frank Zappa</p>

<p>Biggest concert regret: Frank Zappa</p>

<p>Same show. Long story.</p>

<p>K2’s first concert was Citizen Cope. Small venue and acoustic. He loved it. </p>

<p>Does anyone remember listening to Doctor Demento (Fish Heads Song) every Sunday night or the King Biscuit Flower Hour? Or am I just really old? :slight_smile: </p>

<p>Depeche Mode: Never let me down again…(over and over ). World Party: Ship of Fools.</p>

<p>This is hilarious. I also attended the Jethro Tull “A” show, and yes, Whitesnake were the openers. I was so put out by the breakup of the Beat, I boycotted both General Public & Fine Young Cannibals. The Beat were actually on the U.S. college reunions circuit a couple of years back.</p>

<p>Old never felt so…old.</p>

<p>This. 1984. UVA. My friend Nancy and I in the aisles, ostensibly there to keep everyone in their seats, but really trying to dance like the so-hip background singers. [Talking</a> Heads - Burning down the house LIVE “Stop making sense” 1984 HQ - YouTube](<a href=“- YouTube”>- YouTube)</p>

<p>7dad: Can’t wait to show classicalpapa that English Beat video when he gets home…</p>

<p>Dr. Demento and King Biscuit…on my Panasonic AM radio (or had I graduated to my spankin’ AM/FM clock radio by then?)</p>

<p>PhotographerMom: again, I am pretty sure we lived the same life at one point. LOL Seriously.</p>

<p>London: I’m convinced we were roommates! :)</p>

<p>What was it about Saabs and Dire Straits?</p>

<p>We had to use an ice pick once to remove the Dire Straits Live cassette from a Saab we were about to trade in… after the screwdriver and pliers failed. I think it was the only cassette ever played in that car. Every time I got in, Romeo and Juliet was still playing…</p>

<p>That Dire Straits soundtrack is most memorable to me because it was my first full digital sound CD. The sound was sooooo different from my scratchy albums. </p>

<p>Weird that sound quality of music has gone backward, at least in our house…mp3 tracks coming through the ipod or computer speakers just aren’t close to my old stereo, which was the very first expensive thing I ever bought with my first job $$$. Now, I get the best sound playing my old cd’s on the cd player…in the 15 year old Saab wagon :slight_smile: . I’ll have to dig out Brothers in Arms.</p>

<p>This is a great thread!</p>

<p>My first concert was Duran Duran at the Worcester Centrum. </p>

<p>One of the best had to be Brian Adams in London with side stage passes. </p>

<p>And a fun activity was going to the record store after school where they sold new and used records.</p>

<p>In August 1969, I tagged along with my older cousin to a music festival… We were supposed to be home by 9 pm. we returned from Woodstock 4 days later… And our moms didn’t speak to us for a whole week. CameoKid loves telling people about that.</p>

<p>cameo43: Get out! You win…</p>

<p>Had the pleasure of attending a Jimmy Hendrix Experience concert in a small theater in Rome (no, not New York) in 1967 or '68 (memory fog) when I was in school there.</p>

<p>Couldn’t believe how one guitar, a base and drums (and the singing) could fill that space so fully! – yeah, “let me stand next to your fire!”</p>