Missed cbh etc

<p>dd applied to bama in dec for fall 2012 and was accepted, and she is nmf, but she did not apply to the honors program, cbh, etc. she wants to wait 'til april to see what her options are with other colleges, but i wonder if there is anything else we should do to ensure that bama honors is an option for her. she gets weekly postcards from bama, but nothing with honors info. we have not visited either; we may do that in early april once her schools are narrowed to two. she does not have a specific major in mind for college and wants to explore possibilities for at least her first year in college. i’m wondering if she does select bama what sort of situation she’ll be in there, not having applied to anything specific.
thanks for any advice.</p>

<p>mom2college kids, would love to hear from you; have enjoyed your posts re bama!</p>

<p>Hi </p>

<p>Please have your d submit the UHP app. Write a couple of sentences for the essay to introduce herself. </p>

<p>Please try to visited.</p>


<p>thanks, mom2, i’ll ask her to do that.</p>

<p>Sorry, I was typing from my phone earlier.</p>

<p>Yes, your D needs to quickly submit the honors app for UHP. Tell her that since she’s NMF the app is just a formality. She doesn’t need to list much, and her “essay” can just be a simple, "My name is … Right now I’m undecided on a major. Some of my interests are: _________________________ . </p>

<p>No biggie. Just get it in. :)</p>

<p>This way, if she attends Bama, she’ll get honors housing and honors priority registration. And, get to take some of the really cool honors classes.</p>

<p>I really hope you can visit Bama. It’s really a special place.</p>

<p>If you do decide to visit, reserve a campus tour time as soon as you can!! Important! Try to tour on a school day. Saturday visits are less productive since profs aren’t around to meet.</p>

<p>Once you set up a tour time, then contact the people below in the honors college.</p>

<p>Tell them about your D’s NMF status and some of her interests. Give her grades and test scores, and other bits of info.</p>

<p>Tell them what day you’ll be touring and give them the tour time that you’ve reserved. They will arrange the rest of your day.</p>

<p>Honors Recruitment
Allison Verhine
269 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:allison.verhine@ua.edu”>allison.verhine@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Susan Alley
Assistant Coordinator
270 Nott Hall
<a href=“mailto:susan.alley@ua.edu”>susan.alley@ua.edu</a></p>

<p>Sometimes mail goes to their SPAM folders, so call them if you haven’t heard back within a few business days. These ladies do an excellent job and work very hard.</p>

<p>thanks, mom2! dd actually did apply to honors college back in december; i was wrong about that. so, it’s funny to me that there hasn’t been much communication from that department, but it is reassuring to read your post. dd is at a boarding school, so sometimes i’m not sure what has been done with applics. maybe i will email one of the people you mentioned to see if there’s anything else we should be doing. thank you for responding – much appreciated!</p>