MIT Admissions Fall 2022

WL :frowning:


Can people share if you were accepted to MIT also got accepted to CalTech ?

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S22 didn’t apply to Caltech.

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Congratulations. Very happy for you.

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Rejected. 1470 SAT, 3.85 UW GPA from a feeder boarding school. Had extenuating circumstances (attempted parental suicide + incarcerated parent during HS). Did MIT MOSTEC, co-captain of robotics team, internship at company in IT and development, president of 2 tech clubs, president of community service club, debate team vice captain, actor in school plays + playwright for school theater festival + school theater festival executive board member, school dormitory prefect and judicial board elected representative. Disappointed but not surprised.


My D is accepted to both MIT and Caltech.


Don’t have a remorse, dreams never stop at MIT or others. My D doesn’t have a perfect 4.0 GPA (she has 4 Bs in PE, health and sophomore english hons). She compensated it with her ACT and her AIME and ECs. It’s probably her EC that got her in.


It’s probably my stats that kept me out. It’s fine. I’m angry and disappointed but I’ll be fine! It’s just the whole thing that I spent hours and hours talking to MIT AOs and alumni and students and all that through MOSTEC only to be rejected. Congratulations to your daughter. It will be a tough decision, I’m sure.


I have been following your posts on several forums and am super excited for your DD’s well deserved acceptance! Congratulations!!

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My kid is waitlisted too but we are pleasantly surprised as we did not expect anything but rejection! Has MIT released their RD numbers?

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Big congrats!

Thanks so much. Good luck to your kid. I think they have put the total application count as 33K and 1337 got accepted through EA and RD both. I don’t know the breakdown though.


Accepted after being deferred. Surreal…

It’s crazy how things come full circle.


The best news ever!! Congratulations to you and your daughter. So immensely deserved! :tada::tada::tada:

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Son rejected after being deferred, but not surprised. He had a 1560 SAT, 3.98 GPA, NHS, Class VP, Civil Air Patrol Officer, Robotics Team Leader, Tutor, 3 Varsity sports, etc.

What he’s bummed out about though is that he has gotten rejected from most of the schools he has applied to - hasn’t gotten accepted at a single “reach” or “target” school. He’s only been accepted at a couple “safety” schools - and has been turned down by a couple of those too.

This college application process has not been what he envisioned at all.

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Worry not! You have done amazingly over the years, and one downturn has no impact on you. Nor does it have impact on all the kindness and help you’ve given many of us/our kids over the years.

You should be DEEPLY proud of all that you have accomplished and will accomplish. MIT’s loss is the gain for the MANY exceptional acceptances you have rightfully received.

Be proud!


just looking at all of your accomplishments and you are going to go on and do great things. yes, MIT would have opened doors but that’s not the only door opener. the most most important attribute is to be a go getter. you’ve got that so you’ll surely reach your goals. good luck and look forward. it’s the best view!


So sorry to hear. I remember you posting on the Purdue thread and I commented that perhaps MIT might come through. Good news is UW is a very good Engg school and he is still in the running for Purdue, Michigan and the rest. It’s not over yet!