MIT Admissions Fall 2022

He’s pretty much abandoned hope for both Purdue and Michigan - and I can’t really blame him. He’ll most likely choose between UW and the other schools he got in. Just need to focus on the possibilities ahead, not what might have been.


I hear you loud and clear and wish the very best for your child.

This means NOTHING. What they do with the next few years and the rest of their life is the ONLY thing that means anything.

Best of luck!


Did anyone get in without interviews?

Thanks. I realize that, but sometimes its hard to get through to 17 year olds. I keep reminding him he has good options left. Its just hard to get rejections from schools where stat wise he seems to be a good candidate, especially compared to 25-75% test score range (higher than all but 1 school) and usual GPA for past accepted students. Maybe this will make him work hard to get into a good grad school.


Its good he is focused on the positives but 2 weeks is a LOOONG time in the college admissions process. Especially when its March. I bet by April 1st, the world will look very different for him.


I am so sorry your family is going through this. My D applied RD, so she has only heard from 4, but we are seriously concerned we will be in the same boat by the end of March. She has only gotten into UW and UCONN (her safeties). I hope our kids get some much deserved good news over the next two weeks. I know they will both thrive wherever they go, but that doesn’t make the rejection any easier for them in the short term.


I know where you and DS are coming from. But college is just a stepping stone. It’s not an end to anything.

The world is full of folks who didn’t go to college and who went to less than “top schools”. There are equally some folks who went to top schools that make us realize that going to these schools is meaningless unless you do something with it. And you can do that something with about any school.

I know it’s trite, but “love the school that loves you”…there are SO many opportunities.


you already got likely letters from 2 Ivies, you should be all set! We are still in waiting mode


Son did not match with MIT.

4.0 uw/36 act/Nat merit finalist/US presidential scholars candidate/2nd place worldwide international robotics competition last year/numerous deep extracurric’s. APs just about all classes 9th and 10th; 11th and 12th 100% university classes (dual enrollment) heavy on advanced math and science.

Of course, all the kids have similar profiles and MIT can only take a few. My son just kind of rolled his eyes at the news. Congrats on the match to those planning to attend!


My superstar was also rejected after that long deferral. All the stats, classes, ECs, awards, etc. — I really don’t know what else he could’ve done. Same happened to his older brother, who ended up at Caltech. They all find their place in the end. Best of luck to everyone here. Signing out!


Agh thank you so much. It means a lot!!! I feel quite a bit better now. The MIT rejection definitely hurt, but I’m looking forward to wherever I may end up!! Everyone is too kind on here!


Gah thank you so much. I don’t even know what to say!!!


Thank you so much, and good luck to you and your daughter. I’m sure there is VERY good news coming soon!!


My son was admitted, really happy for him (and us). Wish everyone the very best.


I am sorry to hear about his disappointment with his admissions decisions. I feel like since most of the top 200 schools went test optional last year the applications have increased by huge %. For example, over the last two years Tufts is now up 50% in applications. In just two years. Yale and Harvard received over 50,000 applications for the Class of 2026. With apps up that much, more than ever, students are applying to more colleges in an effort to get in. Five years ago my sister applied to six schools. While we are different students, so that accounts for some of the increase, I applied to more than double that number. It has been a very different two years in admissions than when I toured schools with her and she applied. I hope your son lands somewhere that makes him very happy and he feels ‘fits.’


same here. extremely frustrating.


Congratulations to all who were accepted.

Can you please share your profile and what you think were unique things that differentiated you?


My D didn’t get in :pensive:
She took it well (or maybe she’s just holding it all in - because it definitely was one of her dream schools). But anyway, life goes on… :neutral_face:

Congratulations and best wishes to all who received acceptances :clap:t3:
I am very happy for you :blush:


I think much of it is luck for my qualified son, amongst so many qualified applicants.

Hispanic male
Decision: Accepted, after EA deferral
SAT/ACT: 36 superscore
GPA: 4.64W/ 3.95UW
State/Country: instate/MA
Major: Math
Did you apply for FA?: yes
Hook: URM

9 APs, rest Honors

  • Eagle Scout
  • 4 yrs Varsity sport - Captain
  • President/founder of a Club
  • part-time job, etc
  • AMC12 High School winner (but pales in comparison to other winners)
  • Spanish Seal of Biliteracy with Distinction
  • CB National Recognition Award (Hispanic and Rural)
  • National Merit Commended Scholar
  • AP Scholar with Distinction

==>==> this may be the only hook:
accepted to and attended MIT WISE in October 2021

Almost 0 kids get into MIT from his medium public school.
His Eagle Scout buddy was accepted 3years ago, recruited for lacrosse.

Good essays
Good LoRs

Good luck in your path.
I loved loved my 3rd choice (after #1 rejection).