MIT Admissions Fall 2022

I think possibly luck for myself also.

White Female British
First generation
Applied EA deferred
I did not apply for financial aid

13 GCSEs 8-9
5 a levels all A*
36 act score
Top of my class

Lots of leadership
Ambassador for a national charity
Under 18 England netball team
Worked for MP past 3 years
Interned at Bank of England for 5 years

Nothing unique compared to others just very lucky!


Son was rejected. He is not upset at all because he was expecting it. He was more surprised by the results of his friends. A few got in he thought were on the bubble and one he was absolutely convined would get in, did not. Congratulations to all who are admitted.


My daughter didn’t get in but is very ok with it. She’s actually pretty excited out the college visits we have planned over spring break to her accepted schools. She is loving those who have loved her back and giving her scholarships to attend.

Everyone will find their place. And we’ve even talked about transferring in 2 years if she feels the need to challenge herself more than what she is getting. I think honors/scholars programs she is in though will take care of that.


Asian Female (Bayarea, CA)
Decision: Accepted, after EA deferral
SAT/ACT: 35 one sitting
GPA: 3.9 UW
Major: Considering double majoring in CS and Math
Did you apply for FA?: No
Hook: None
Went to MIT to attend Math Prize for Girls
9 APs (5 in Junior year and 4 senior year), self studied and took some AP tests during her sophomore year


  • No Sports
  • President of Math club, President of National French Honor society, VP of Physics club, President of a girls organization (bayarea chapter), Director of problem writing for the head division of the same org, Founder of her non-profit to coach kids in competitive math
  • Worked as a TA in a summer program
  • Published a research paper in Algebraic combinatorics in a journal called Involve (under a professor and 2 others)
  • Competition Math - AMC Qual for 4 years with Distinction, AIME scores mostly 8 or 9 every year, Stanford Math Tournament placed, Berkeley Math Tournament placed, Mathleague nationals placed for 4 years, Math prize for girls (1 year in person and 2 years virtual, was planning to attend this year but it got cancelled last minute), distinction in CEMC Fermet (University of Waterloo, Canada)
  • Attended MIT’s splash
  • Did independent research on how graph theory models can help diagnozing neuro degenerative disorders early on (based off of a paper from an MIT prof)
  • Completed Multivariable calculus and Linear Algebra during junior year from UC Berkeley

(@huango sorry I used yours as my template and modified it)

I won’t call it as a hook but we have 1 kid every year from our school going to MIT. She got the lucky draw this time looks like. She’s super excited as she already has handfull of friends from the global organization that she works for, accepted in RD and looking to meet them. Planning to attend the CPW in April. Thank you all for your wishes and kind support through CC and good luck to all the kids who are already admitted or will be admitted into their best fit.

MIT admission kind of marked the end of that prolonged wait. So far all EAs worked out for D except Georgia Tech and UMich and we will mostly be withdrawing them this week. It’s a long and strenous journey from last year April.


stunning profile. i can feel why she got deferred in ea but there is just no reason mit will let her go in regular. congratulations !

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Congratulations! It is such a long journey for some of these kids and so much hard work.
Georgia Tech and U Mich loss!

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Congratulations! Your Daughter appears very interested and talented in math. Does she attend any nice summer camps during her high school?

Congratulations and thank you.
Wishing him the best at MIT and beyond.

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Congratulations and thank you for sharing your / your child’s profiles.
@advitha @Charlotteannabella

Agree with @huango , so much luck involved in these decisions. Just putting my son’s profile here if it helps anyone in the future, but I would say every year is different at every top school, based on that school’s particular needs in that particular year. For eg: we think one reason my son got in (as a non-recruit) was the sport he plays. MIT will be particularly thin next year in that sport. Meanwhile, he also got deferred at another school (not nearly as good as MIT!, which we thought was a sure/safe bet), since their team will be well-stocked next year. So to those who didn’t get in: don’t be discouraged, it’s never personal. The fact that you applied means you are good enough…and there are factors beyond your control that usually determine the outcomes.

Asian Male, central NJ
1580 SAT, 35 ACT single sitting
GPA: 4.9 W/4.3 UW
No AP’s, No AMC, but max honors courses, Advanced+4 in Math (2nd hook?)
Major: CS
Campus visit Fall 22, Interview mid-January
Multiple clubs/activities, leader in all including Varsity captain & School President (3rd hook?)
NMS finalist
Multiple summer jobs: intern for NYC firm, research at Princeton, tech startup

Good luck everyone!


Congrats to your son!!!

Would you mind clarifying what is “advanced+4” in Math? And where he took those advanced classes?

For the research at Princeton, can you share how he found the opportunity?

Have to disagree, as I don’t think AO considers teams that are thin in players. If a particular team will be particularly thin, coach will have a larger list of recruits that he/she writes for. The coach will push for more players with the admissions. Not the other way around. In the particular sport that you are talking about, it is possible that the team will have taken a bunch of recruits in RD this year.


Very impressive stats. Congrats on the admission !!!

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This may not be related at all to @apster70 ’s research at Princeton, but here’s one opportunity:


Deferred athletic recruit rejected RD. While I agree that the coach will definitely push for a player in a needed a position, I still believe these coaches support way more players than we are led to believe giving too much false hope and dreams to vulnerable kids. Unless you have that hook that everyone talks about …having top stats, ECs etc. you are a dime a dozen…


@sonatarhia Bingo for Princeton research. Every Ivy has a similar program. Just explore/call to find out and apply. Very competitive though, will need strong support from HS science department. If unable to secure through this path, figure out areas of interest/choose something atypical, find out faculty at university doing that, and write to them (student should be doing all the communications)

Math+4: Calc in 9th grade. All courses done at HS, last yr independent study with faculty.
See this and explore that forum: High school math acceleration thread


Agreed. At a place like MIT especially, your athletic accomplishments don’t factor in AT ALL until you meet academic/EC admission bar which is extremely high.

Agree as well. I know recruited kids that were accepted EA all had stats that were 75 percentile, in addition to coach’s strong support with admissions.


@ChezCurie @apster70 - thanks for all the info. Will forward to my DC so he can look into them!