MIT and Personal Essay

<p>Does MIT require a personal essay?
If so how do I attach my essay, I do not see a section for that anywhere.</p>

<p>Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>The essay portion is on Part 2 of the MIT application.</p>

<p>I know it is, but I don’t see a “attach personal essay here” section anywhere.</p>

<p>Oh, that’s because you type your essay responses directly into the application instead of uploading them Common App-style.</p>

<p>I mean, I thought each of the “type here” sections were supplements, so is it safe to assume that there is no “personal essay” portion on the MIT app? And if there is one, can you point to me where on part 2 it is located?</p>

<p>There isn’t really a “Personal Essay” section on the MIT app. You have to respond to each of their 5 prompts.</p>

<p>MIT has 5 short answers, distributed on page 1 and page 3 of the Application Part 2. First and second short answers are 100-word limited, while third, fourth and fifth are 250-word limited.</p>

<p>Remember the deadline is today. Good luck.</p>