<p>So what are some of your favorite mnemonics you've learned in HS?</p>
<p>Or in my case... MS.
King Panda Cat Offered Friends Girl's Socks
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species</p>
<p>So what are some of your favorite mnemonics you've learned in HS?</p>
<p>Or in my case... MS.
King Panda Cat Offered Friends Girl's Socks
Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species</p>
<p>no it's King philip came over for good sphageti for our school</p>
<p>King Panda Cat so owns King Philip.</p>
<p>girl's socks? no</p>
<p>Green Spagetti.</p>
<p>In order to learn the steps of Mitosis,I created this mnemonic device, isn't this nice. "Interesting Pete met a turtle" I P M A T Interphase, prophase metaphase, anaphase, telophase. Neat eh?</p>
<p>In my school it's King Phillip Came Over For Great Spaghetti.</p>
<p>I have a classification for humans...but it isn't appropriate.</p>
<p>post it shaddix</p>
<p>But it is for my Bio class and I am taking it in high school...</p>
<p>WHAT DID I JUST SAY?! It goes against the rules here at CC. As Trump says, "Think big or get out."</p>
<p>shaddix post it</p>
<p>Justinian only likes obscene content when it's from me ;)</p>
<p>As Leah says: Find a hobby.</p>
<p>King Philip Came Over For Good Sex <-- I guessed the last word before my teacher could say spaghetti, and it has stuck ever since</p>
<p>I use mneumonics ALL the time, though. Just this afternoon I used SELSB for my health test (self-fulfillment; esteem needs; love and belongingness; security; biological needs)</p>
<p>no, it's great ---.</p>
<p>Just learned this one yesterday:
<p>Its not too funny, but is handy when checking free-body diagrams in physics to make sure you have all the forces...</p>
<p>I think I remember the one for corn...</p>
<p>Plantae Liliopsida Cyperalas Proacae Zea mays </p>
<p>-random yes, but I needed to know two classifications for two organisms from different kingdoms for my Bio exam...</p>
<p>I memorized the presidents in order with the "Little Indian" song. I memorized the preposition list in fourth grade with the music of "Pop Goes the Weasel"</p>
<p>I tried to make one for why humans are classified as primates...but now I don't remember it...:/</p>