Molecular Genetics

Would appreciate any insights into the Molecular Genetics program. DD has been accepted to OSU and to the honors program. She is serious about studying genetics as a pre-med or pre-genetics counseling pathway. Going to reeeeally struggle choosing between OSU and Purdue.

OSU is in-state for us, but we are both
Purdue alums.

Many thanks

My stepson graduated in '18 with a MolGen degree and is now at med school at Cincinnati. We live in West Lafayette, but haven’t had a kid at Purdue (yet).

He liked the MolGen curriculum, but said he felt a biochem major would have prepared him better for med school. Says if he had to do it over, he would have just done biochem bc some of the upper level genetics was very hard, and he didn’t really need it. Sounds like your DD is in a different boat there, though. He had a great experience at OSU overall, started research his freshman year (which I think really helped him get into med school). OSU was in-state for him, and he didn’t really consider much else out of state except UK which gave him great $$.