Molloy/Cap21 BFA, is it Competitive or selective?

The BFAs are not eligible for the fine arts and performing arts scholarships. Seems ridiculous to me, but they’re not. My D got a very large scholarship for academics.

@EastchesterMom - Do you suppose that might have been because the CAP21 program was not owned/administered by Molloy? Wondering if the new structure will change that – or anything else.

@daughtersdreams - I wish I knew the reason. The administration of the CAP 21 program by Molloy has been a total win-win so far. Scholarships have to be funded. When a couple of our kids “make it,” maybe it will be!

Ahhh. It is my S first choice and I was wondering why no talent scholarship. Not much from the school academically so financially it may not be the one for him. He absolutely loves it though! Uggg!

@efikids - weigh all of your financial packages before you decide. Also, work-study at the Madison Theatre on campus is very doable. At the end of the day, your S has to be happy in the program…he will eat, sleep and breathe it for the next 4 years.

@EastchesterMom Crossing our fingers for that big academic scholarship.

I know a couple of people who chose one program over another because of the financial package, and their kid was miserable and wound up dropping out. Artistic fit is the prime directive for a performing arts kid. You’ll find a way to make it work!


I’ve already told my daughter that if she absolutely believes that Molloy is her “fit”, then we will move heaven and earth to see that money isn’t the deciding factor.

And she is doing her part. Writing essays and applying to every scholarship she can find. Just gave up her dance classes so could take an evening job which means she’s working 50-60 hrs/wk between 2 jobs - Dunkin 5:45am - 10:45am. (Comm. College classes 11:30 to 1:30) 3 days a week.) Hostest/server at Red Robin from 4 to 10pm.

Her dedication and commitment to making this happen is truly inspiring. Couldn’t be more proud of her!

OMG, @daughtersdreams – your D is a star on and off the stage! Molloy/CAP21 will be lucky to have her.

How inspiring @daughtersdreams! Her work ethic will take her far!