Molloy/Cap21 BFA, is it Competitive or selective?

My daughter auditioned Feb. 4th for the BFA program and we are still waiting. My daughter called and admissions said her academics were being reviewed. does anyone know if that means she was at least accepted talent wise? She is so inpatient to know if she is accepted, since this is her first choice.

They cannot release if she was accepted “talent wise” until Molloy has accepted her academically. But they will still accept her academically and review her academics even if she wasn’t accepted at her auditions. Sadly you just have to wait.

There is one more round of auditions this weekend so notifications will go out after that. I was told that everyone will hear by the end of the month (I know, I know --that’s like forever!) Just gotta hang in there!

@limey baby - BWAYWANNABE is right, you can be accepted academically and not artistically, but not the other way around. I know how horrible the waiting is, but keep the faith!

She does even want to talk about the school until she knows she is accepted. She really wants this. She had an audition with a gentleman who told her she left him wanting to hear more in her vocal audition. I hope that is a good sign.

@limey baby - Sounds like a good sign to me, but there are plenty of horror stories about things said in auditions. However, she probably auditioned for none other than Ricky Oliver, the Molloy/CAP 21 Admissions Director and the nicest man you’d ever want to meet; I doubt he would ever mislead an applicant. A CAP 21 audition is almost fun; they go out of their way to let the artist shine by taking the stress out of an inherently stressful situation. I will never forget how nice they were to my D (now three years ago!!). Fingers and toes crossed for your D!

Letters are going out soon! My best friend just heard today she got in!:slight_smile: Talked to Ricky said anytime this month, hearing soon. So exciting!

OK folks, the acceptances are starting to come – say congrats to @Meanasmom 's D!! Fasten your seatbelts!

BTW, I have a feeling the Molloy/CAP 21 audition isn’t much fun anymore … there was a dance call this year that I have been told was very tough. But they’re still nice!!

What were the audition dates for people who have already gotten acceptances?

Still waiting on a response. My daughter had a Feb 4 audition, but it seems so long a wait.

Hello everyone! I auditioned last Saturday (March 11th) and I got my acceptance letter in the mail today :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone :slight_smile:

@LovelyNique - Congrats and welcome – I hope you will be joining us!

We are in the comparing of program stages and I was wondering how this program compares with MT BFA’s as technically it is a BFA of theatre arts. Is that correct?

@efikids - Yes, the Molloy/CAP 21 program is a BFA in Theatre Arts. The training is in voice, acting and dance, as in every other MT program; there are electives as well, such as directing. CAP21 has a unique and creative training approach; as I have said many times, we don’t do just the standard MT canon – we add to it!. Please check out the curriculum on the website and you will see what I mean.

Does anyone know if CAP21 offers any form of scholarship if you don’t qualify for need based? Are there any talent scholarships?

@efikids From Molloy’s webpage:

Fine Arts and Performing Arts Scholarships

These are up-to-the-full tuition scholarships awarded to entering full-time freshmen who are adjudged to have exceptional talent or have achieved proficiency in art, music or communication arts. Qualifications are demonstrated through audition, the submission of a portfolio or other documented experience. Recipients must major in the areas for which the scholarships are awarded and maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative average for a maximum of 8 consecutive semesters for renewal. Recipients must also file the required financial aid applications annually for renewal of this scholarship.

@daughtersdreams Exactly my question. Is that for musical theatre? It says art, musicor communication art. What about the BFA in Theatre? No one has answered my emails to the school.

@efikids The scholarship is for any fine art (painting, drawing, sculpting, film making, etc.) and any performing art - theatre, dance, music (voice or instrumental). I don’t know how many of these they offer.