Money Or Prestige?

<p>Would you rather go to a school that gave you more aid or a school that was more prestigious/that you like better?</p>

<p>didn't we have this kind of thread earlier in this forum...</p>

<p>maybe. i was just curious.</p>

<p>Depends. If we're talking full ride at Michigan versus full tuition at Harvard, I'd definitely take Michigan.</p>

<p>But if it's a full ride at Temple versus full tuition at Brandeis, I'd have to take the financial plunge and go the Deis.</p>

<p>more prestige... when you die, people care about what you did.</p>

<p>does anyone know much money hitler, stalin, caesar had?</p>

<p>gates is an exception, so it buffett... but they both went to ivy leagues... harvard and penn</p>

<p>Actually, Gates dropped out of Harvard freshman year. He decided he knew what he wanted to do with his life--and didn't need a Harvard education to do it.</p>

<p>Gates was in the right place at the right time and didn't need a college degree to be a billionaire, but obviously, his situation is extrodinarily rare.</p>

<p>Buffet transfered out of Penn to the Univ of Nebraska</p>

<p>heavenwood, actually when Gates dropped out of Harvard and started Microsoft (then located in Albuquerque, NM), the company had very little revenue or profit. </p>

<p>They actually kind of lucked out when IBM went to Albuquerque to see another company about writing an operating system for their new IBM Personal PC they were about to launch. The other company refused to sign the nondisclosure agreements, and referred them to Microsoft instead to write the operating system.</p>

<p>After Microsoft got the operating system, they figured out that since the contract was written to allow them to own it (a gigantic mistake on IBM's part), they could market it to other PC makers as well, such as Compaq or Asian PC-clone manufacturers. Thus, the creation of the largest growth story in high-tech. I think all of this was covered in a PBS "Frontline" TV show a few years back. They pointed out how IBM currently makes zero PCs today--and showed the original IBM PC plant in Boca-Raton, FL all closed up and rotting away.</p>