<p>well...i got mine back. total it was 2190 (800 cr, 640 math, 750 writing). needless to say, im a big english person.</p>
<p>my question is should i take it again to try and ace the writing and definitely bring up the math? or, if im not going into a math related field AT ALL, do i need to worry about the 640?</p>
<p>right now im a junior, so i have some time to try and study for the math section. any suggestions on how to go about doing that too?</p>
<p>I would retake eventually, because that is a pretty decent sized gap between your math and verbal/writing scores, and the math section is highly learnable. Plus, you will be in a lot better shape come admissions time if you make the 700 level in math, even if you don't want to do anything with math in the future. The vast majority of colleges super score, so you don't have to worry about CR/WR going down. Although you are on the right side for a lopsided kid (strong verbal/weak math is more desirable than strong math/weak verbal), a 160 point gap between CR and math is undesirable whatever your major. A little bit of prep and a lot more math class will probably increase your math score a decent amount, so I would strongly suggest retaking eventually. I don't really have any tips for studying, except to make sure to brush up on the basic algebra and geometry that you might have forgotten since taking those classes--that is the problem that many run into on the math section.</p>