More FA after appeal? Just curious......

<p>Just wondering if anyone was successful at receiving more FA after approaching UM? My D did not really receive a very good FA offer (both Merit and FA) through UM compared to all of her other offers. I thought about asking for more but I wasn't sure if it was worth it. D plans to attend Case Western but I was just wondering if anyone was given more $ after talking with FA. </p>

<p>Hate having her sign that "decline" notification without knowing for sure.... I really was hoping for her to attend UM. Not that I am not happy with Case, but I would prefer FL over OH any day! LOL </p>

<p>Oh well, just curious</p>

<p>There’s a few instances on here wherein some students/parents appealed to no avail. Somebody I know went and met with them personally and they didn’t budge. They seem to be pretty firm with their initial offerings.</p>

<p>I tried multiple times; no success.</p>

<p>roadscholar, did you show them better school offers or just ask for more aid? </p>

<p>Case western offered D $16,000 more in both merit and FA than UM. It wasn’t even close! Yet their cost of attendance is almost identical and they are both ranked #38 nationally.</p>

<p>Just asked… Tulane offered 22k/year, UF 8k/year, and Miami was 16k. But according to the website I believe I should have received the highest one, especially considering their “holistic review.” Luckily, I can still afford it, I just feel like they aren’t recognizing any of my accomplishments.</p>

<p>Of all the posts I have read in the past 2 years on this site from folks that have appealed to FA, I don’t recall anyone reporting success in changing the amount of their awards. And, I would think that with 6 days to go before the national declaration date, any changes in grant amounts would have already been made.<br>
To the OP, I’m sure your D will thrive at Case! Best wishes to you.</p>

<p>Thanks Zinc…</p>

<p>It is really more of my longing at this point than my daughters…LOL.
I will be relocating too and figured I would try to remain close by where ever D was going to be attending college. I think D crossed UM off a long time ago with some concerns she had and then the FA. I just really wanted to be in the sun! I may go to FL anyway… :)</p>

<p>Case is a good fit for her and she is excited to be going there.</p>

<p>Maybe she can go to graduate school in Florida! I was hoping to chase my D to Florida too, but this dang job thing keeps getting in the way…and my company is not progressive enough to consider letting me work remotely (1600 miles is too much of a stretch for them)… ;)</p>

<p>Well I hope you get to make in there too! I am finishing up a masters in KY, single mom and can pretty much go anywhere. I don’t have a job yet…so I was just planning to concentrate my job search within a 4 - 6 hr radius of where she would be living. So you see why I would really have liked for her to be at UM. Well, she will be applying to the Disney college Program…so maybe I will follow her then! LOL :)</p>

<p>I sent in an appeal, and thy were really nice about it and responded quickly. I didn’t get anything, but they basically said that they had a huge number of applicants, and they tried to give everyone what they deserve, but they don’t have any more money to give.</p>

<p>Thanks MDGirl, sent in our notification today that D will not be attending.<br>
So long sunny Florida, we’ll see you on spring and winter break!</p>